


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:===地面外骨骼=== ====凤凰====凤凰是一个23磅重的外骨骼,有控制臀部和膝盖运动的马达。它的平均行走速度为1.1英里/小时,电池寿命允许连续行走大约4小时。用于诊所和社区Phoenix | suitX [Internet]。Suitx.com。2017年[引自2017年5月9日]。可从:http://www.suitx.com/phoenix.
[[Image: exoskeleton . jpg |center|350px]]suitX。凤凰城(互联网)。2017[引用日期:2017年5月8日]。可从:http://www.suitx.com/phoenix ==== Ekso GT ====它被设计用于临床,在物理治疗师的监督和指导下用于SCI (C7及以下)或中风产品| Ekso Bionics[互联网]。Ekso仿生。2017[引用日期:2017年5月9日]。 Available from: http://eksobionics.com/eksohealth/products/.
{| width="400" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="0" align="center" |- | {{#ev:youtube|fav-sgk7_yA|300}}Business Street. Community Regional Medical Center Demonstrates Esko Bionic Exoskeleton [Internet]. 2014 [cited 8 May 2017]. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fav-sgk7_yA |} [[Image:Ekso 1200x630 2.jpg|center|350px]]Madonna Rehabilitation Hospitals. Ekso GT Robotic Exoskeleton [Internet]. 2017 [cited 8 May 2017]. Available from:https://www.madonna.org/images/uploads-users/content/gallery/Ekso_1200x630_2 .jpg ==== Rewalk ==== [[File:Andre ReWalker Stairs.jpg|alt=|right|frameless|235x235px]]Rewalk has 2 Models: [http://rewalk.com/about-products-2 A rehab model for use in clinics and a personal model for ambulating in the community.]  It’s mainly used for SCI patients with T7 to L5 SCI, as upper extremity strength is required. It is available in USA and Europe. The European model includes ascending and descending stairs functions. Comparing Indego vs Ekso GT vs ReWalk, Researched by VAPAHCS [Internet]. Exoskeleton Report. 2017 [cited 9 May 2017]. Available from: http://exoskeletonreport.com/2016/09/comparing-indego-vs-ekso-gt-vs-rewalk-researched-vapahcs/ ==== Rex ==== Rex is designed for in clinic use, and can help patients who weigh up to 100kg. It supports/stabilises the torso with abdominal straps and padding, hence less core activation is required by the patient http://www.rexbionics.com/product-information/. Product Information - Rex Bionics [Internet]. Rex Bionics. 2017 [cited 9 May 2017]. Available from: http://www.rexbionics.com/product-information/
==== The Keeogo ==== The Keeogo is another exoskeleton that allows for flat-ground ambulation, as well as helping to ascend and descend stairs. It’s available in Canada for purchase and rental and is designed for patients who have the ability to independently ambulate with at least an assistive deviceWho is Keeogo™ for? [Internet]. Keeogo restores and enhances autonomy in mobility. [cited 2017May9]. Available from: http://www.keeogo.com/who-is-keeogo-for.
==== Hybrid Assistive Limb (HAL) ==== [[Image:Lower-limb-hal.jpg|350px|alt=|thumb|Spinal Cord Research and Advocacy. Lower Limb HAL [Internet]. 2015 [cited 8 May 2017]. Available from: https://spinalcordresearchandadvocacy.files.wordpress.com/2015/09/lower-limb-hal .jpg]]HAL is a light-weight power assistive device which uses a technology that senses electrical signals sent from brain to the muscles (through surface electromyography and ground reaction force sensors) and initiates the required movement for the patient. HAL are especially useful in early gait rehabilitation to establish stronger brain-muscle connections. If no signals are detected (e.g. paraplegia) then the robot has an automated gait pattern that it puts the person through. There are different versions of HAL depending on the use (full body, lower body, one legged)
==== Indego ==== Indego is a 26 lbs exoskeleton that offers functional electrical stimulation (FES) to the lower extremity muscles. It’s designed for clinic and community ambulationIndego – Powering People Forward | Parker Indego [Internet]. Indego.com. 2017 [cited 9 May 2017]. Available from: http://www.indego.com/indego/en/home.

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