


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:皮肤血流受交感神经系统的两个分支控制:去肾上腺素能血管收缩系统和胆碱能血管扩张系统。这些双重交感神经控制机制影响了人体大部分表面的体温调节反应的主要方面。" ' < span >,[[图片:冷热stress.png |中心| 500 px)] < /跨度 >''''' '''''& ,,,,,,,,                                      Figure 2:'''''Skin blood flow responses to cold stress and heat stress.  
VC = vasoconstriction, VD = vasodilatation
During periods of hypothermia, falling core and skin temperatures lead to reflexive increases in sympathetic active vasoconstrictor nerve activity to reduce skin blood flow and conserve body heat. During periods of heat stress, increasing core and skin temperatures lead to reflexive increases in sympathetic active vasodilator nerve activity to increase skin blood flow. The effect of heat on pain is mediated by heat sensitive calcium channels. These channels respond to heat by increasing intracellular calcium. This generates action potentials that increases stimulation of sensory nerves and causes the feeling of heat in the brain. These channels are part of a family of receptors called TRPV receptors. TRPV1 and TRPV2 channels are sensitive to noxious heat, while TRPV4 channels are sensitive to normal physiological heat. Their multiple binding sites allow a number of factors to activate these channels. Once activated, they can also inhibit the activity of purine pain receptors. These receptors, called P2X2 and P2Y2 receptors, are mediated pain receptors and are located in the peripheral small nerve endings. For example, with peripheral pain, heat can directly inhibit pain. However, when pain is originating from deep tissue, heat stimulates peripheral pain receptors which can alter what has been termed gating in the spinal cord and reduce deep pain. Previous studies have suggested that temperature can affect the exchange between Ca2+ and Na+ in neural cells. They have documented an increase in both pain threshold (PTH) and pain tolerance (PTO) with the use of cooling. Holowatz LA, Thompson CS, Minson CT, Kenney WL. [https://physoc.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1113/jphysiol.2004.080952 Mechanisms of acetylcholine‐mediated vasodilatation in young and aged human skin.] The Journal of physiology. 2005 Mar;563(3):965-73.   
Increased superficial tissue temperature results in the release of chemical mediators, such as histamine and prostaglandins, which result in vasodilation. These vasodilatory mechanisms do not significantly affect blood flow in skeletal muscle since skeletal muscle blood flow is heavily influenced by other physiologic and metabolic factors. Exercise is the best means to increase blood flow to skeletal muscle. Swenson, C., Swärd, L., & Karlsson, J. (1996). Cryotherapy in sports medicine. ''Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports'', ''6''(4), 193–200. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1600-0838.1996.tb00090.x Heinrichs K. [http://sportsperformance.org/pspi/About_Me_files/heinrichs_cold_hot_physical_therapy_canine.pdf Superficial thermal modalities. InCanine rehabilitation and physical therapy] 2004 Jan 1. Saunders Elsevier, St Louis (MO).  

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