


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:==提示== Physiopedia是一个在线资源,为世界各地的物理治疗师提供基于证据的、经过严格审查的信息。这是一个由世界各地的物理治疗师共同开发的项目。该项目有写作标准,文章必须遵守这些标准才能发表。作为一项合作活动,如果其他人对您的文章提出建议或贡献,请不要感到沮丧,这有助于保持相关性和分享学习,这不是对您个人的批评。考虑到这一切,这里有4条建议,我们希望能给你一些信心,让你创作一篇对世界各地的物理治疗师都有价值的文章!#看看Physiopedia,找出你喜欢的文章/页面,更有可能/不太可能参与其中。想想为什么会这样。是关于标题、第一句话、布局、图片/视频/演示的使用还是其他什么?注意引用你的作品,并在适当的时候使用引号。剽窃不是好的学术行为。 #The article should be, wherever possible factual, not a piece to direct readers into one conclusion or another. Therefore adopt a neutral tone and voice and present other peoples arguments/references/facts and figures from all perspectives, leaving the final decision to the reader.
#A word on word count. This is for you to determine as is most appropriate for your topic and approach. Ideally not a 500 word summary of a topic, but equally not a 3000 essay. Use hyperlinks to other related Physiopedia pages and information sources tactically to help manage your word count and avoid avoid long winded explanations and signpost readers to more information/background reading. Keep in your mind the situation readers are likely to be in when accessing your information - a quick reference point for sit down with a cuppa?  Aim to produce an article that critically introduces the key topics/ideas/themes relating to the article title. Use links and signposting to send interested readers to other sources and Physiopedia pages for more details....or, if you want to include a lot of detail about one sepcific element of your article, think about creating a seperate page for it and contact the Rachael with your idea. Consider your article to be somewhere a therapist wanting to get a crticial introduction to the topic might start their search. Finally remember this project is about collaboration and harnessing of knowledge, so tap into your colleagues knowledge, skills - editing/proof reading, references and learn as you go together! Could make an interesting in-service training session, or team building exercise!

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