


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:==有效的沟通:策略和技巧==人们普遍认为,在国民保健服务中,医患之间的沟通通常是充分的,无需担心。然而,近年来,NHS的投诉数量在2013/2014年期间上升到惊人的174,872例,卫生和社会保健信息中心(HSCIC)的劳动力和设施小组。2014;可在:http://www.hscic.gov.uk/catalogue/PUB14705/data-writ-comp-nhs-2013-2014-rep.pdf。。这些投诉的责任主要归咎于沟通障碍和缺乏令人满意的医护人员对病人的态度。医生经常被批评为“冷漠”或缺乏同情心。这可能源于许多原因,包括与患者的第一次接触,缺乏对患者问题的讨论,医生和/或患者缺乏沟通技巧,或患者在提供护理方面普遍缺乏参与。有效的医患沟通与健康结果:综述。中华医学杂志,1995;32(9):1423-1433。 Research has proven that effective physician – patient communication not only improves emotional health of patients but also aids in symptom resolution, functional and physiological status and pain control . With these substantial influences on patient health outcomes, the importance of effective communication is further highlighted.
=== Techniques to Effective Communication ===

The way in which health practitioners communicate information to patients is as important as the information being communicated Travaline JM, Ruchinskas R, D'Alonzo GE,Jr. Patient-physician communication: why and how. J Am Osteopath Assoc 2005 Jan;105(1):13-18.. Patients have two fundamental needs in terms of communication, the need to know and understand and the need to feel known and understood Ong LM, De Haes JC, Hoos AM, Lammes FB. Doctor-patient communication: a review of the literature. Soc Sci Med 1995;40(7):903-918.. Patients who understand their diagnosis/condition are more likely to acknowledge their health problems, understand the treatment involved and modify their behaviours . Efficiently imparting information is therefore crucial to patient understanding and compliance. Research has identified a number of key elements of communication as being fundamental to building patient-physician relationships. These include verbal and non verbal communication, empathy, patient centred care, efficient transmission of information, good rapport, and collaborative and patient centred care Haskard KB, White MK, Williams SL, DiMatteo MR, Rosenthal R, Goldstein MG. Physician and patient communication training in primary care: effects on participation and satisfaction [corrected] [published erratum appears in HEALTH PSYCHOL 2009 Mar;28(2):263]. Health Psychol 2008 09;27(5):513-522.. Below is a visual representation of the most effective methods of communication
[[Image:Effective Communication Cycle.jpg|frame|center|150x70px]]
=== Barriers === The choices of questions, words, silences, tones and facial expressions used by the clinician can greatly influence their relationship with a patient. The misuse of these interpersonal and communicative skills can become barriers not only to physician-patient relationship but also to the effectiveness of the treatment.The image below represents a number of barriers which may be experienced. [[Image:Barriers.jpg|frame|center]]

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