


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:重要注意事项:1型糖尿病患者可能需要在运动期间减少胰岛素剂量或泵活动,并增加食物摄入量,延长运动时间(每30分钟运动10-15g CHO)。Franc S等。以胰岛素为基础的策略预防1型糖尿病成人患者运动期间和运动后的低血糖:DIABRASPORT随机研究糖尿病、肥胖和代谢2016;12.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26264812(2016年4月7日访问)。 *运动增加胰岛素,使葡萄糖水平降至低危险范围,特别是高强度或长时间运动。在运动前、运动中和运动后监测血糖水平。一项随机对照试验Alarcón-Gómez J, Chulvi-Medrano I, Martin-Rivera F, Calatayud J. [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34886337/高强度间歇训练对久坐型1型糖尿病患者生活质量、睡眠质量、运动动机和享受的影响]。国际环境研究与公共卫生杂志。2021年1月;18(23):12612。显示,6周高强度间歇训练(HIIT)计划在T1DM患者中是安全的,因为没有严重低血糖的报道。 And it was effective in improving ''well-being'' and ''exercise adherence'' in the previously inactive T1DM population as the health-related quality of life, sleep quality, exercise motivation, and enjoyment showed better results in the study. * Watch for confused, lethargic state or change in mental status in DM patient - have patient do finger stick check for glucose levels if available and immediately refer to physician. If patient has an insulin pump, diabetic ketoacidosis (DK) can occur quicker if there is an interruption in insulin delivery. Monitor patient carefully for excess perspiration, increased motion at pump site, and temperature during exercise.  Watch for signs and symptoms of life threatening conditions: [[Hyperglycemia]], Diabetic [[Ketoacidosis]]; [[Hypoglycemia]]. '''Blood glucose levels in relation to exercise that a PT should be aware of:''' *<100 mg/dL= give 10-15 g CHO snack and retest glucose levels 15 minutes later   *100-250 mg/dL= safe exercise levels; proceed with treatment  *250-300 mg/dL @ start of exercise="caution zone"; postpone exercise until stable levels are achieved; ketones in urine are checked for at these levels *>300 mg/dL= stop exercise immediately!!!! (NOT SAFE)

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