


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:==物理治疗==[[文件:Phy20.jpg|拇指|侧卧身体提举,]]治疗:通过一系列步骤重新训练核心稳定肌肉。第一步是学习孤立这块肌肉;第二步是学习与核心肌群的其他肌肉联合收缩这块肌肉;最后一步是整个核心肌群联合收缩(同时与骨盆底、腹横肌相连);多裂肌)在功能性活动中与较大的浅表肌协调。diane lee [https://dianelee.ca/article-training-deep-core-muscles.php通过知识,运动和;[意识]可从:https://dianelee.ca/article-training-deep-core-muscles.php(最后访问时间:2019年6月9日)参见[[腰椎不稳定练习]]“腰骶多裂肌(dMF)深层纤维招募训练”[[File:Training- Multifidus -1.jpg|alt=|right|200x200px]]]仰卧或侧卧,脊柱保持中立姿势,(腰部平缓弯曲):“ ”' *尝试以下连接提示,使多裂肌与长后伸肌分离,产生深度收缩。*对于支持SIJ的多裂肌部分-想象一条线连接你的左右SIJ,并考虑沿着这条线连接或画在一起。*想象一条线连接你的腹股沟(或耻骨后部)和你正试图训练的下背部多裂肌部分(醒来)。沿着这条线连接,然后轻轻地想着将腰椎悬吊(抬起)在下面的腰椎上方1毫米处。 *Breathe in and on the breath out contract the deep multifidus with the best connect cue (have your therapist help you determine which is your best connect cue). *No movement of your hips, pelvis or spine should occur as you gently activate the dMF. If you compare how heavy your leg is to lift with and without this dMF contraction you should find that it is lighter with the proper contraction. *Hold the contraction for 3- 5 seconds and then release and breathe throughout this exercise. Repeat the contraction and hold for 3 sets of 10 repetitions 3 – 4 times per day for 4 weeks. '''Strength Training for Lumbosacral Multifidus'''[[File:Training-multifidus-2.jpg|alt=|right|200x200px]] In side lying: * Maintaining your connection to Transverse Abdominus (TrA), keep your ankles together and lift your top knee (only as high as you can control without breath holding), focus on turning your inner thigh outwards. Return your knee. * Maintaining your connection to TrA, keep your ankles together, lift your top knee and then lift your ankle. Return your ankle and then your knee. * Lying on your back with your knees and hips flexed: * Slowly let your right knee move to the right, keep your low back and pelvis level. Return to the centre and repeat with the left. * Lift the right foot off the floor keeping the knee bent. Don’t hold your breath and don’t bulge your lower abdomen. Return the foot to the floor and repeat with the left foot. There should be no clicking in your low back. * Lift the right foot off the floor and then straighten the leg only as far as you can control your core with a proper strategy. Slowly bend the knee and return the foot to the floor. Repeat with the left leg.Lift the right foot off the floor and then the left foot off the floor. Alternate * leg extensions, exert with exhalation, breathe in to rest or hold.
With all these exercises maintain the leg lift for 10 seconds, build to 3 sets of 10 repetitions before moving on '''Incorporate into Other Activities
'''The final step is to remember to use the core during regular life activities. Each time you get out of the chair, lift, bend or reach, this local stabilising system should be working at a low level. The goal is to teach the body to resume its normal stabilisation strategy of connecting to the core before movement begins.

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