


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:==特征/临床表现==正常情况下,滑膜皱襞“薄,粉红色,柔韧”。在显微镜下,可以看到单个或重复的滑膜细胞衬在结缔组织基质上,结缔组织基质含有许多小血管和胶原纤维,但没有弹性纤维。这允许膝关节在运动过程中改变大小和形状。 Schindler OS。“狡猾的皱襞”重访:膝关节滑膜皱襞的形态、病理生理学和治疗。膝关节外科学,2014,22(2):247-62。(Medline)。
当皱襞变为病理性时,组织的通常特征会因炎症过程而改变。它们可能变得“肥大,血管增多,透明化,并失去其典型的疏松和弹性结缔组织特征”。因此,它们也可能变得水肿、增厚和纤维化,并且它们肯定会干扰正常的髌骨-股运动。慢性病例表现为纤维软骨化生,胶原和钙化增加。 Particularly the medial patellar plica may bowstring across the trochlea and the medial femoral condyles or impinge between the medial patella facet and the medial condyle when flexing the knee. Over time this might lead to softening, degeneration (chondromalacia) or even erosion of the cartilage of the medial patellar facet and the trochlea. The plica will intrude in the patello-femoral joint (usually between 30° and 50° of flexion), further subluxing over the medial femoral condyle. The same mechanism can be seen with a pathological lateral plica, but in that case the lateral femoral condyle will be affected. A pathological suprapatellar plica will impinge between the quadriceps tendon and the femoral trochlea.
Plica syndrome can cause a series of symptoms, such as '''pain, clicking, popping, effusion, localised swelling, reduced range of motion''', intermittent medial joint pain, instability and locking of the patello-femoral joint. It is more commonly seen in teenagers and young adults, even more so in women than in men. Patients often report that symptoms are absent in the early phases of sporting activities, but can come up suddenly and worsen progressively. They are often accompanied by a pain which can be described as intermittent, dull and aching and which will aggravate when performing patello-femoral loading activities such as walking up or down stairs, squatting, kneeling or after holding the knee in flexed position for some time.Dupont JY. Synovial plicae of the knee. Controversies and review. Clin Sports Med. 1997 Jan. 16(1):87-122. [Medline].
When the symptoms occur they are not easily distinguishable from other intra-articular conditions and knee derangements of the knee joint.The pain can be located at different places like the supra- patellar and the mid-patellar region when extending the knee. You can also hear cracking noises when flexing of extending the knee.The combination of contracting the quadriceps and the compression of the supra-patellar pouch can also be the cause of pain.What occurs frequently in patients with plica syndrome is that they often have a sense of instability when walking upstairs, downstairs or slopes. It should only be considered as the primary cause of the patient’s symptoms when the patient fails to respond to appropriate management of patellofemoral pain.

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