


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:放松疗法放松疗法通常与其他治疗方式结合使用,可以采取多种形式,如精神或非精神冥想,渐进式放松或肌肉收缩和放松,甚至是意象<参考名称="Astin">Astin J.疼痛管理的身心疗法。临床疼痛杂志。2004:1;27-32。通常,放松疗法被视为一种“替代”疗法,建议与传统的医疗管理一起使用,而不是单独使用。这可能是由于缺乏高质量的证据或未经证实的理论基础来支持治疗。美国国立卫生研究院的国家补充和替代医学中心(NCCAM)将身心医学定义为“不常用的行为、心理、社会和精神医学方法”。放松疗法可能起作用的一种方法是减少压力对身体的影响,恢复身体系统内的正常平衡。健康放松技巧:导论。[ONLINE] 24/03/2014 http://nccam.nih.gov/health/stress/relaxation.htm。在最基本的层面上,当你处于压力之下时,你的身体会进入战斗或逃跑机制,并发生一系列生化变化。心率、血压升高、血管变窄,以及肾上腺素、皮质醇和神经递质血清素等几种激素反应都在增加。这些反应在短期内是必要的,但当这些反应(以及其他反应)延长并成为慢性时,就会出现一些破坏性后果。 These may be fatigue, hypertension, anxiety, suppression of the immune system, reduction of memory and increase in body fat all of which have knock-on consequences elsewhere in the bodyWikipedia. Stress (Biology)[ONLINE] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stress_(biology) accessed 24/03/2014. Regardless of the proposed mechanisms of effect, the effect on the patients psyche can be large enough to prove the treatment worthwhile. It is also important to consider the effect of a placebo treatment on pain. However studies have proven relaxation to reduce pain level more often than not in conjunction with another modality. For example Linton & Gotestam investigated the use of relaxation therapy and relaxation therapy and operant techniques and its effect on chronic arthralgic pain. Relaxation was shown to be effective at reducing pain and that the group with operant conditioning were more effective at taking pain medicationsLinton s. Gotestam k. A controlled study of the effects of applied relaxation and applied relaxation plus operant procedures in the regulation of chronic pain. British Journal of Clinical Psychology. 1984: 23(4)291-299. Caution needs to be taken with a large amount of relaxation research as it tends to be older research however there has been some more recent investigation. Spence et al compared the use of relaxation therapy and biofeedback techniques on 48 patients with chronic upper limb pain. Patients were divided into 4 treatment groups (relaxation, biofeedback, combined and 1 control) each receiving treatment twice-a-week for 4 weeks. All 3 treatment groups proved effective initially and at a 3 moth follow up. However the most effective treatment at reducing measures of pain, distress, interference in daily living, depression and anxiety was relaxation therapy (alone). At 6 months there was no difference between treatment groupsSpence S. Sharpe L. Newton-John t. Champion D. Effect of EMG biofeedback compared to applied relaxation training with chronic, upper extremity cumulative trauma disorders. Pain. 1995 63(2)199-206

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