


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:使用热疗的证据大多局限于减轻疼痛,如[[骨关节炎]]、[[类风湿关节炎|类风湿关节炎]]、[[原发性痛经|原发性痛经]]和[[腰痛指南|腰痛]]。[参考文献]李淑华,赵建军,李淑华(2018)。热疗法治疗原发性痛经:对疼痛缓解和生活质量影响的系统回顾和荟萃分析。“科学报告”,“8”(1),16252。https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-34303-zFreiwald, J., Hoppe, M. W., Beermann, W., Krajewski, J., & Baumgart, C.(2018)。多模式治疗慢性腰痛患者补充热疗对力量和柔韧性的影响。“临床生物力学(布里斯托尔,雅芳)”,“57”,107-113。https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clinbiomech.2018.06.008Robinson, V., Brosseau, L., Casimiro, L., Judd, M., Shea, B., Wells, G., & Tugwell, P.(2002)。热疗治疗类风湿性关节炎。《Cochrane系统评价数据库》,(1),CD002826。 https://doi.org/10.1002/14651858.CD002826However, the use of those modalities can facilitate the efficacy of other treatments such as therapeutic exercises by reducing nociceptive signals and reducing joint stiffness (improved range of motion). As for healing properties, the new guidelines suggest avoiding the use of thermotherapy during the stages of healing (see [[Peace and Love Principle]]). There are [[Wound Healing|4 phases]] of the healing process: the haemostasis phase, the inflammatory phase, the proliferation phase and the remodelling phase.Wound Source. Wound Healing. Available from:https://www.woundsource.com/blog/four-stages-wound-healingThese phases hold their purposes and should only be altered in case of abnormal or extreme symptoms.

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