


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:====与负重状态的步态模式==== =====三点步态模式===== *可与任何负重状态一起使用。 *与[[助行器|两轮助行器]],[[助行器|标准助行器]],两个[[拐杖]]或两个[[手杖]]一起使用。 *辅助装置是一个点,每条下肢是一个点。 #辅助设备向前移动一步(拐杖/手杖同步移动)。 #相关肢体向前移动,与助行器的后立柱对齐,或与拐杖或手杖对齐。 #未受累肢体向前移动,与受累肢体平齐。如有需要,通过手臂和辅助装置承受一些身体重量,以减轻涉及下肢的负荷。 *注:NWB时,受累肢体应保持在躯干前方或与躯干成直线,膝盖伸直或微屈,髋部微屈。*以上被认为是变化的步骤。还有一个通过变化的步骤,这是一个步骤变化的进展。在第三步中,通过变化的步骤需要将未参与的下肢移动到参与的肢体之前。通过变化的步骤的目标是允许更快,连续的走动,而无需暂停重新启动概述的循环。下面的视频演示了用两根拐杖和部分负重的三点步法。 {{#ev:youtube|YENs6HTxUBY}}CISSS Laval. Walking with crutches partial with weight bearing. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YENs6HTxUBY [last accessed 8/5/2020] ===== Four-Point Gait Pattern ===== * Can be used with PWB (must be a very high percentage), WBAT (after tolerance to a very high percentage of weight bearing has been demonstrated), or FWB. * Used with two [[canes]] or two [[crutches]] * Each cane or crutch is considered one point and each lower limb is considered one point. # One cane or crutch is moved forward one step length. # The lower limb opposite the cane or crutch moved in step one is moved forward to be in line with that cane or crutch. # The other cane or crutch is moved forward one step length past the cane or crutch moved in step one. # The lower limb opposite the cane or crutch moved in step three is moved forward to be in line with that cane or crutch. * The goal is the repeat steps one through four in a continuous pattern to create smooth ambulation. {{#ev:youtube|pSNmEZgeUno}}Ryan Smith. Skill 37: Lofstrand crutches 4-point gait pattern and 2-point gait pattern with return to sit. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSNmEZgeUno [last accessed 8/11/2019] ===== Two-Point Gait Pattern ===== * Can be used with PWB (must be a very high percentage), WBAT (after tolerance to a very high percentage of weight bearing has been demonstrated), or FWB. * Used with one or two [[canes]] as well as one or two [[crutches]] * Each lower limb and the opposite cane or crutch are considered one point. If only one cane or crutch is used, the lower limb without an opposite cane or crutch is a point and the other lower limp plus the cane or crutch is the other point. # One combination of a lower limb and the opposite cane or crutch is moved forward one step length. # The other combination of lower limb and opposite cane or crutch or the lower limb without the cane or crutch is moved forward one step length past the first combination of lower limb and cane or crutch. * The goal is the repeat steps one and two in a continuous pattern to create smooth ambulation. {{#ev:youtube|VEU8NoIcY7Q}} PTA Video Library Bay State College. Two Point & Two Point Modified Gait Pattern. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEU8NoIcY7Q [last accessed 4/11/2021]

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