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== Introduction ==
== Introduction ==
推高+运动是经常利用people experience shoulder dysfunctions or pathologies. It is used due to the activation of the [//m.houseofhawgs.com/Serratus_Anterior?utm_source=physiopedia&utm_medium=search&utm_campaign=ongoing_internal serratus anterior] and improving [//m.houseofhawgs.com/Scapula?utm_source=physiopedia&utm_medium=search&utm_campaign=ongoing_internal scapular] kinematicsLudewig, P. M., Hoff, M. S., Osowski, E. E., Meschke, S. A., & Rundquist, P. J. (2004). Relative balance of serratus anterior and upper trapezius muscle activity during push-up exercises.''The American journal of sports medicine'',''32''(2), 484–493.Hardwick, D. H., Beebe, J. A., McDonnell, M. K., & Lang, C. E. (2006). A comparison of serratus anterior muscle activation during a wall slide exercise and other traditional exercises.''The Journal of orthopaedic and sports physical therapy'',''36''(12), 903–910.. Often, if participants have increased upper trapezius activity and decreased serratus anterior activity there is more anterior tipping and medial rotation of the scapula and decreased upward rotation with elevationLudewig, P. M., & Cook, T. M. (2000). Alterations in shoulder kinematics and associated muscle activity in people with symptoms of shoulder impingement.''Physical therapy'',''80''(3), 276–291.. Increasing activation of the serratus anterior has been found to improve this upward rotation of the scapula. Utilizing the push up plus has been found to improve pain symptoms with people having [//m.houseofhawgs.com/Subacromial_Pain_Syndrome?utm_source=physiopedia&utm_medium=search&utm_campaign=ongoing_internal impingement symptoms] and [//m.houseofhawgs.com/Scapular_Winging scapular winging]Park, K. M., Cynn, H. S., Kwon, O. Y., Yi, C. H., Yoon, T. L., & Lee, J. H. (2014). Comparison of pectoralis major and serratus anterior muscle activities during different push-up plus exercises in subjects with and without scapular winging.''Journal of strength and conditioning research'',''28''(9), 2546–2551..
推高+运动是经常利用people experience shoulder dysfunctions or pathologies. It is used due to the activation of the [//m.houseofhawgs.com/Serratus_Anterior?utm_source=physiopedia&utm_medium=search&utm_campaign=ongoing_internal serratus anterior] and improving [//m.houseofhawgs.com/Scapula?utm_source=physiopedia&utm_medium=search&utm_campaign=ongoing_internal scapular] kinematicsLudewig, P. M., Hoff, M. S., Osowski, E. E., Meschke, S. A., & Rundquist, P. J. (2004).[https://scholar.google.com/scholar_url?url=https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/0363546503258911&hl=en&sa=T&oi=gsb&ct=res&cd=0&d=16804315912491514617&ei=fVzfY9DHLc6vywTMpJy4AQ&scisig=AAGBfm3USLMuZMhdR8SFOg41fSIRGMCM2QRelative balance of serratus anterior and upper trapezius muscle activity during push-up exercises.]The American journal of sports medicine, 32(2), 484–493.Hardwick, D. H., Beebe, J. A., McDonnell, M. K., & Lang, C. E. (2006).[https://scholar.google.com/scholar_url?url=https://www.jospt.org/doi/abs/10.2519/jospt.2006.2306&hl=en&sa=T&oi=gsb&ct=res&cd=0&d=7374253642669954380&ei=plzfY9qKKOeR6rQP7_i6wA8&scisig=AAGBfm0Uh1BCWTdTZD4Jp2mrv9cXiJaWMgA comparison of serratus anterior muscle activation during a wall slide exercise and other traditional exercises]. The Journal of orthopaedic and sports physical therapy, 36(12), 903–910.. Often, if participants have increased upper trapezius activity and decreased serratus anterior activity there is more anterior tipping and medial rotation of the scapula and decreased upward rotation with elevationLudewig, P. M., & Cook, T. M. (2000).[https://scholar.google.com/scholar_url?url=https://academic.oup.com/ptj/article-abstract/80/3/276/2842494&hl=en&sa=T&oi=gsb&ct=res&cd=0&d=15545274842784490598&ei=ylzfY5ykEJv0yASNv7v4BQ&scisig=AAGBfm1W2XhDHLurxw_yF9g7XzN3SyHRQQAlterations in shoulder kinematics and associated muscle activity in people with symptoms of shoulder impingement.]Physical therapy, 80(3), 276–291.. Increasing activation of the serratus anterior has been found to improve this upward rotation of the scapula. Utilizing the push up plus has been found to improve pain symptoms with people having [//m.houseofhawgs.com/Subacromial_Pain_Syndrome?utm_source=physiopedia&utm_medium=search&utm_campaign=ongoing_internal impingement symptoms] and [//m.houseofhawgs.com/Scapular_Winging scapular winging]Park, K. M., Cynn, H. S., Kwon, O. Y., Yi, C. H., Yoon, T. L., & Lee, J. H. (2014).[https://scholar.google.com/scholar_url?url=https://journals.lww.com/nsca-jscr/FullText/2014/09000/Comparison_of_Pectoralis_Major_and_Serratus.18.aspx&hl=en&sa=T&oi=gsb&ct=res&cd=0&d=133411667245572681&ei=41zfY-GDK86vywTMpJy4AQ&scisig=AAGBfm29yL5f91bivCA2n_RxPC3cLAlOQwComparison of pectoralis major and serratus anterior muscle activities during different push-up plus exercises in subjects with and without scapular winging.]力量和调节研究学报,28 (9), 2546–2551..

== Technique ==
== Technique ==
与常规[//m.houseofhawgs.com/Press-Up?utm_source=physiopedia&utm_medium=search&utm_campaign=ongoing_internal push up], in which the person is supported on both hands and toes on the floor, then lowers their body to the floor and returns. The push up plus is performed in the same starting position as a push up, with the arms extended but instead of lowering to the floor, the participant protracts their scapula.
与常规[//m.houseofhawgs.com/Press-Up?utm_source=physiopedia&utm_medium=search&utm_campaign=ongoing_internal push up], in which the person is supported on both hands and toes on the floor, then lowers their body to the floor and returns. The push up plus is performed in the same starting position as a push up, with the arms extended but instead of lowering to the floor, the participant protracts their scapula.Lunden JB, Braman JP, LaPrade RF, Ludewig PM. [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1058274609002808 Shoulder kinematics during the wall push-up plus exercise.] Journal of shoulder and elbow surgery. 2010 Mar 1;19(2):216-23.
File:PUPstart.jpg|Push up plus start position
File:PUPstart.jpg|Push up plus start position
File:PUPEnd.jpg|Push up plus end position
File:PUPEnd.jpg|Push up plus end position

Revision as of 09:31, 5 February 2023

Original Editor-Matt Huey

Top Contributors-Matt Huey,Chelsea McleneandKim Jackson

Introduction[edit|edit source]

推高+运动是经常利用people experience shoulder dysfunctions or pathologies. It is used due to the activation of theserratus anteriorand improvingscapularkinematics[1][2]. Often, if participants have increased upper trapezius activity and decreased serratus anterior activity there is more anterior tipping and medial rotation of the scapula and decreased upward rotation with elevation[3]. Increasing activation of the serratus anterior has been found to improve this upward rotation of the scapula. Utilizing the push up plus has been found to improve pain symptoms with people havingimpingement symptoms[3]andscapular winging[4].

Technique[edit|edit source]

Unlike a regularpush up, in which the person is supported on both hands and toes on the floor, then lowers their body to the floor and returns. The push up plus is performed in the same starting position as a push up, with the arms extended but instead of lowering to the floor, the participant protracts their scapula.[5]

Progression[edit|edit source]

  • Wall

Participant stands near a wall, extends arms, and leans forward into the wall. This position limits the weight bearing on the upper extremity and is often a starting point for participants

  • Table

Participant is in an inclined position on a table or firm surface. This adds increased weight bearing through the upper extremity

  • Quadruped

Participant is on knees with arms extended to add more resistance through the upper extremity.

  • Push up position

Participant is in the push up position with arms extended and on toes.

  • Resistance

Participant assumes any desired position but a resistance band can be wrapped around the trunk from the hands to add increased force on the upper extremity.

References[edit|edit source]

  1. Ludewig, P. M., Hoff, M. S., Osowski, E. E., Meschke, S. A., & Rundquist, P. J. (2004).Relative balance of serratus anterior and upper trapezius muscle activity during push-up exercises.The American journal of sports medicine, 32(2), 484–493.
  2. Hardwick, D. H., Beebe, J. A., McDonnell, M. K., & Lang, C. E. (2006).A comparison of serratus anterior muscle activation during a wall slide exercise and other traditional exercises. The Journal of orthopaedic and sports physical therapy, 36(12), 903–910.
  3. 3.03.1Ludewig, P. M., & Cook, T. M. (2000).Alterations in shoulder kinematics and associated muscle activity in people with symptoms of shoulder impingement.Physical therapy, 80(3), 276–291.
  4. Park, K. M., Cynn, H. S., Kwon, O. Y., Yi, C. H., Yoon, T. L., & Lee, J. H. (2014).Comparison of pectoralis major and serratus anterior muscle activities during different push-up plus exercises in subjects with and without scapular winging.力量和调节研究学报,28 (9), 2546–2551.
  5. Lunden JB, Braman JP, LaPrade RF, Ludewig PM.Shoulder kinematics during the wall push-up plus exercise.Journal of shoulder and elbow surgery. 2010 Mar 1;19(2):216-23.