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“贡献者”——{{特殊:贡献者/ {{Inclusion of Children with Disabilities in Free Risky Play}}}}
“贡献者”——{{特殊:贡献者/ {{Inclusion of Children with Disabilities in Free Risky Play}}}}

A child’s right to play is enshrined by article 31 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, however, this right is not always met appropriately by institutions, governments and policymakers.Route A. Joining the big adventure • SEN Magazine [Internet]. SEN Magazine. 2012 [cited 2022 Jun 21]. Available from: Play also includes physical activity, which is crucial for children tomaintainingtheir healthy social, physical and psychological development. About 80% of the children around the globe do not meet the recommendations of the WHO for 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity per day.Aubert S, Barnes JD, Abdeta C, Abi Nader P, Adeniyi AF, Aguilar-Farias N, Tenesaca DS, Bhawra J, Brazo-Sayavera J, Cardon G, Chang CK. [ Global matrix 3.0 physical activity report card grades for children and youth: results and analysis from 49 countries]. Journal of physical activity and health. 2018 Jan 2;15(s2):S251-73. But it is not just the intensity that is relevant for health benefitsof physical activity for health, especially in children with disabilities. The importance of global psychosocial experiences such as satisfaction, enjoyment and perceptions of inclusion have been highlighted as well.Ross SM, Bogart KR, Logan SW, Case L, Fine J, Thompson H. [ Physical activity participation of disabled children: A systematic review of conceptual and methodological approaches in health research]. Frontiers in public health. 2016 Sep 5;4:187.Ross et al.(2016)define participation of children with disabilities in physical activity as follows:
A child’s right to play is enshrined by article 31 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. However, this right is not always met appropriately by institutions, governments and policymakers.Route A. Joining the big adventure • SEN Magazine [Internet]. SEN Magazine. 2012 [cited 2022 Jun 21]. Available from: Play also includes physical activity, which is crucial for children tomaintaintheir healthy social, physical and psychological development. About 80% of the children around the globe do not meet the recommendations of the WHO for 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity per day.Aubert S, Barnes JD, Abdeta C, Abi Nader P, Adeniyi AF, Aguilar-Farias N, Tenesaca DS, Bhawra J, Brazo-Sayavera J, Cardon G, Chang CK. [ Global matrix 3.0 physical activity report card grades for children and youth: results and analysis from 49 countries]. Journal of physical activity and health. 2018 Jan 2;15(s2):S251-73. But it is not just the intensity that is relevant for health benefits, especially in children with disabilities. The importance of global psychosocial experiences such as satisfaction, enjoyment and perceptions of inclusion have been highlighted as well.Ross SM, Bogart KR, Logan SW, Case L, Fine J, Thompson H. [ Physical activity participation of disabled children: A systematic review of conceptual and methodological approaches in health research]. Frontiers in public health. 2016 Sep 5;4:187. Ross et al.define participation of children with disabilities in physical activity as follows:

“Physicalactivity participation describes “experiences in physically demanding movement, sport, game, or recreational play that results in energy expenditure and perceptions of communal involvement.
'Physicalactivity participation describes “experiences in physically demanding movement, sport, game, or recreational play that results in energy expenditure and perceptions of communal involvement."'

Physicalactivityparticipation ofchildren with disabilities can be qualified by:
The participation in physicalactivitybychildren with disabilities can be qualified by:

# Level: the frequency of attendance and intensity of physical exertion
# Level: the frequency of attendance and intensity of physical exertion
# Quality of experience: self-perceived feelings of social inclusion, enjoyment, self-efficacy, and satisfaction
# Quality of experience: self-perceived feelings of social inclusion, enjoyment, self-efficacy, and satisfaction
# Overall profile: the extent to which a child’s level of participation matches their expectation for a quality experience
# Overall profile: the extent to which a child’s level of participation matches their expectation for a quality experience

Especially for a child with disabilities, the definition of participation in physical activity cannot be restricted to health and physical outcomes. Physical activity of children with disabilities is rather a broader health experience, situated within a dynamic child-environment interaction, which acknowledges the aspects of the quality of the experience. Underestimating the abilities of a child with disabilities in taking part in physical activity and play can result in lower expectations and fewer opportunities, and reduce their engagement in health-promoting behaviours. When children with disabilities engage in moderate to high intensity physical activity during their childhood, it can reduce their predisposed risk for the development of secondary health conditions such as non-communicable diseases. Enjoyable physical activities will foster childhood experiences that nourish the psychosocial development of children’s interpersonal skills, their self-confidence and self-efficacy. To increase their children’s participation in physical activity has been described as a primary goal of both parents and professionals in childhood disability.

总的来说,孩子们努力执行的nd exciting play activities that involve some kind of risk such as climbing or jumping at great heights, swinging, playing or engaging in rough and tumble play. Free risky play offers opportunities to master age-adequate challenges, manage fears and to learn life skills. Reasonable risk taking in play is a fundamental factor in emotional development, and the development of gross motor and cognitive functions.Sandseter EB, Kennair LE. Children's risky play from an evolutionary perspective: [ The anti-phobic effects of thrilling experiences. Evolutionary psychology.] 2011 Apr 1;9(2):147470491100900212. Children’s opportunities to engage in free outdoor risky play is limited by social and environmental factors, and adult’s concerns, which compromises their overall health and wellbeing. To engage in free and risky play is even more crucial for children with disabilities than for their peers without disabilities. A lack of accessible playgrounds or overprotective attitude of caregivers are major barriers, preventing them from fully benefiting from this kind of play experience.Caprino F. [ WHEN THE RISK IS WORTH IT: THE INCLUSION OF CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES IN FREE RISKY PLAY.] Today's Children are Tomorrow's Parents. 2018 Feb 1. Social exclusion of people with impairments has been supported by applying a medical model of disability, which located disability within individuals and their bodies. Based on this model, health interventions, including physiotherapy, aimed (and sometimes still aim) to eliminate or ameliorate individual characteristics of children’s impairment. This kind of thinking minimizes any consideration of disabling environmental and social influences.Waterworth K, Gaffney M, Taylor N, Gibson BE. [ The civil rights of disabled children in physiotherapy practices]. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice. 2021 Dec 13:1-3. Sometimes impairment is considered to be a biomechanical, physiological or cognitive condition. Consequently, disability is the experience of impairment as it is structured into a society, and is socially created. Using able-bodied children as a frame of reference contributes to an attitude of wanting children with disabilities ‘to do things normally’ rather than to accept the ‘normality of doing things differently’.Van Melik R, Althuizen N. [ Inclusive play policies: Disabled children and their access to Dutch playgrounds.] Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie. 2022 Apr;113(2):117-30. Indigenous children with disability are considered to have a ‘triple disadvantage’ because of additional limitations that they experience.Greenstein C, Lowell A, Thomas D. [ Communication and context are important to Indigenous children with physical disability and their carers at a community-based physiotherapy service: a qualitative study]. Journal of Physiotherapy. 2016 Jan 1;62(1):42-7.

Childrenwith disabilitiesneedtheopportunitytoexpress themselves, including in educationand healthservice contexts.It is important that childrenwith disabilities canexperience enjoymentandbe able to exercise appropriate control overtheirlives and activities.Not surprising,children with disabilitiesexperience therapy more positively whenitis fun, pleasurable and/or engaging. They also perceivetherepetitionofparticular aspects of therapy sometimesasdull and boring.Of course,such interventions are promoted to prevent changes at structural, functional or activity levels through regular repetition.Nonetheless, besides being boring, such interventions may be uncomfortable, painful or limitchildren’sopportunities forparticipation inother activities or roles. Families reported tensionsand父母施加的压力有时痛苦的前女友cises on their children. Parents struggle with situations where home programmes may be addressing long-term rehabilitation outcomes, but potentially harming childreninsocioemotional ways.3" />
Especially for a childwith disabilities,thedefinition of participation in physical activity cannot be restrictedtohealthandphysical outcomes. Physical activity of children with disabilities is rather a broaderhealthexperience, situated within a dynamic child-environment interaction, which acknowledges the aspects of the quality of the experience.Underestimating the abilities of a childwith disabilitiesin taking part in physical activity and playcanresult in lower expectations and fewer opportunities,andreducetheirengagement in health-promoting behaviours.Whenchildren with disabilitiesengage in moderate to high intensity physical activity during their childhood,itcan reduce their predisposed risk forthedevelopmentofsecondary health conditions suchasnon-communicable diseases.Enjoyable physical activities will foster childhood experiences that nourish the psychosocial development of children’s interpersonal skills,their self-confidence and self-efficacy.To increase theirchildren’s participation inphysical activity has been described as a primary goal of both parentsandprofessionalsinchildhood disability.1" />

So, why do health professionals not make use of the benefits of outdoor activities (for both children with disabilities and their caregivers) and risky play? The Australian Physiotherapy Association explicitly recommended that children should actively engage in risky play to counterbalance the negative trends of physical inactivity due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Research suggests that physiotherapists should develop processes and practices for children with disabilities that are fun, engaging and affirming to each individual child in every moment of interaction. This suggestion appliesalsoto the construction of homeprograms, which could be based on an understanding ofparticipation in outdoor physical activitythat includes alsothe quality of the experience, as suggested by Ross et al. (2016).This could counterbalance that opportunities for children with disabilities to spend time in natural environments with their families are less than forable-bodiedchildren. Different commitments of family members andorganizingtherapies occupy a great deal ofcaregivers’time, leaving little chance for outdoor recreation.von Benzon N. [ Moving on from ramps? The utility of the social model of disability for facilitating experiences of nature for disabled children]. Disabil Soc [Internet]. 2010 Aug 1 [cited 2022 Jun 21];25(5):617–26. Available from: Combining physiotherapy or occupational therapy and outdoor activities either in the therapy-setting or when creating homeprogramscan contribute to pleasurable, positive relationships and achievements which are valued by children with disabilities.
总的来说,孩子们努力执行的nd exciting play activities that involve some kind of risk such as climbing or jumping at great heights, swinging, playing or engaging in rough and tumble play. Free risky play offers opportunities to master age-adequate challenges, manage fears and to learn life skills. Reasonable risk taking in play is a fundamental factor in emotional development, and the development of gross motor and cognitive functions.Sandseter EB, Kennair LE. Children's risky play from an evolutionary perspective: [ The anti-phobic effects of thrilling experiences. Evolutionary psychology.] 2011 Apr 1;9(2):147470491100900212. Children’s opportunities to engage in free outdoor risky play are limited by social and environmental factors, and the concerns of adults. These can compromise the child's overall health and wellbeing.
To engage in free and risky play is even more crucial for children with disabilities than for their peers without disabilities. A lack of accessible playgrounds or overprotective attitudes of caregivers are major barriers, preventing children with disabilities from fully benefiting from this kind of play experience.Caprino F. [ WHEN THE RISK IS WORTH IT: THE INCLUSION OF CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES IN FREE RISKY PLAY.] Today's Children are Tomorrow's Parents. 2018 Feb 1.
The social exclusion of people with impairments has been supported by applying a medical model of disability, which located disability within individuals and their bodies. Based on this model, health interventions, including physiotherapy, aimed (and sometimes still aim) to eliminate or ameliorate individual characteristics of a child's impairment. This kind of thinking minimises any consideration of disabling environmental and social influences.Waterworth K, Gaffney M, Taylor N, Gibson BE. [ The civil rights of disabled children in physiotherapy practices]. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice. 2021 Dec 13:1-3. Sometimes impairment is considered to be a biomechanical, physiological or cognitive condition. Consequently, disability is the experience of impairment as it is structured into a society, and is socially created. Using non-disabled children as a frame of reference contributes to an attitude of wanting children with disabilities ‘to do things normally’ rather than to accept the ‘normality of doing things differently’.Van Melik R, Althuizen N. [ Inclusive play policies: Disabled children and their access to Dutch playgrounds.] Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie. 2022 Apr;113(2):117-30. Indigenous children with disability are considered to have a ‘triple disadvantage’ because of additional limitations that they experience.Greenstein C, Lowell A, Thomas D. [ Communication and context are important to Indigenous children with physical disability and their carers at a community-based physiotherapy service: a qualitative study]. Journal of Physiotherapy. 2016 Jan 1;62(1):42-7.
残疾儿童需要的机会express themselves, including in education and health service contexts. It is important that children with disabilities can experience enjoyment and be able to exercise appropriate control over their lives and activities. Not surprisingly, children with disabilities experience therapy more positively when it is fun, pleasurable and/or engaging. They also perceive the repetition of particular aspects of therapy sometimes as dull and boring. Of course, such interventions are promoted to prevent changes at structural, functional or activity levels through regular repetition. Nonetheless, besides being boring, such interventions may be uncomfortable, painful or limit a child's opportunities for participation in other activities or roles. Families reported tension and parental stress when having to impose sometimes painful exercises on their children. Parents struggle with situations where home programmes may be addressing long-term rehabilitation outcomes, but potentially harming children in socioemotional ways.
So, why do health professionals not make use of the benefits of outdoor activities (for both children with disabilities and their caregivers) and risky play?
The Australian Physiotherapy Association explicitly recommended that children should actively engage in risky play to counterbalance the negative trends of physical inactivity due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Research suggests that physiotherapists should develop processes and practices for children with disabilities that are fun, engaging and affirming to each individual child in every moment of interaction. This suggestionalsoapplies to the construction of home项目——即我们应该考虑bothparticipation in outdoor physical activityandthe quality of the experience. Thisapproachcouldhelp tocounterbalancethe factthat opportunities for children with disabilities to spend time in natural environments with their families are less than fornon-disabledchildren. Different commitments of family members and组织therapies occupy a great deal ofa caregiver'stime, leaving little chance for outdoor recreation.von Benzon N. [ Moving on from ramps? The utility of the social model of disability for facilitating experiences of nature for disabled children]. Disabil Soc [Internet]. 2010 Aug 1 [cited 2022 Jun 21];25(5):617–26. Available from: Combining physiotherapy or occupational therapy and outdoor activities either in the therapy-setting or when creating homeprogrammescan contribute to pleasurable, positive relationships and achievements which are valued by children with disabilities.

玩户外自由和获得自然界al environments is particularly important for children with (multiple) impairments. Sensory exploration of smells, textures and sounds of outdoor spaces can enhance children’s awareness and appreciation of natural environments, and contribute to their happiness, wellbeing and overall health. Outdoor play provides opportunities for exploring boundaries and to engage with the unknown or unexpected. This, in turn, improves levels of confidence and self-esteem. For example, for some children with disabilities putting their hands or feet outside into water, mud, sand or even snow might be perceived as a risk by them, just because it is an entirely new experience. Someone might have never touched a tree’s bark or a rock before and could be overwhelmed by this feeling. A form of risk-taking, in that sense, could also be to make an environment accessible (with sensitive facilitation by a caregiver or therapist) for someone who has difficulties in accessing it on their own.CNAC Podcast. [ Accessibility, Disability and Risky Play] [Internet]. Child and Nature Alliance of Canada. [cited 2022 Nov 30]. Available from: Therefore, what is a risk, may be understood differently by different persons in different situations. Furthermore, offering choices of how to master a risky situation, also helps to facilitate the child’s decision-making and to develop self-efficacy. In children with disabilities, the understanding of risk-taking and risky outdoor play is wider and more inclusive. Facilitating the process of risk-taking and risky play activities of children with disabilities does not contradict the original intention of the concept of risky play as being unstructured, child-driven activities.
玩户外自由和获得自然界al environments is particularly important for children with (multiple) impairments. Sensory exploration of smells, textures and sounds of outdoor spaces can enhance children’s awareness and appreciation of natural environments, and contribute to their happiness, wellbeing and overall health. Outdoor play provides opportunities for exploring boundaries and to engage with the unknown or unexpected. This, in turn, improves levels of confidence and self-esteem. For example, for some children with disabilities putting their hands or feet outside into water, mud, sand or even snow might be perceived as a risk by them, just because it is an entirely new experience. Someone might have never touched a tree’s bark or a rock before and could be overwhelmed by this feeling. A form of risk-taking, in that sense, could also be to make an environment accessible (with sensitive facilitation by a caregiver or therapist) for someone who has difficulties in accessing it on their own.CNAC Podcast. [ Accessibility, Disability and Risky Play] [Internet]. Child and Nature Alliance of Canada. [cited 2022 Nov 30]. Available from: Therefore, what is a risk, may be understood differently by different persons in different situations. Furthermore, offering choices of how to master a risky situation, also helps to facilitate the child’s decision-making and to develop self-efficacy. In children with disabilities, the understanding of risk-taking and risky outdoor play is wider and more inclusive. Facilitating the process of risk-taking and risky play activities of children with disabilities does not contradict the original intention of the concept of risky play as being unstructured, child-driven activities.

大多数父母希望他们的孩子could be able to play outside unsupervised, but their anxieties including ‘stranger danger’ and concerns about road safety prevent them from providing much freedom to their children. Due to a range of social and environmental barriers, children with disabilities are restricted from this freedom to a greater extent than theirable-bodiedpeers.Children, and children with disabilities in particular, are often viewed as being dependent and vulnerable rather than being competent and able to actively make choices and participate in decision-making. It has been reported that children who are deaf and children with communication impairments, autism or multiple health requirements are those most isolated and the least likely to be asked and heard.
大多数父母希望他们的孩子could be able to play outside unsupervised, but their anxieties including ‘stranger danger’ and concerns about road safety prevent them from providing much freedom to their children. Due to a range of social and environmental barriers, children with disabilities are restricted from this freedom to a greater extent than theirnon-disabledpeers. Children, and children with disabilities in particular, are often viewed as being dependent and vulnerable rather than being competent and able to actively make choices and participate in decision-making. It has been reported that children who are deaf and children with communication impairments, autism or multiple health requirements are those most isolated and the least likely to be asked and heard.

Also, otherfactors canhinderchildren with disabilities to fully participate in risky play. For instance, motor and sensory limitations can hamper their free movement and exploration of the environment. For example, children with sight impairments sometimes feel less able to carry out tasks than their peers, to take part in physical activities, tomakestrolls on foot on their own outside of school, or with other children, which leads to higher inactivity.Williams G, Aggio D, Stubbs B, Pardhan S, Gardner B, Smith L. [ Physical activity levels in children with sensory problems: Cross-sectional analyses from the Millennium Cohort Study]. Disability and health journal. 2018 Jan 1;11(1):58-61. Furthermore, intellectual limitations can make it difficult for the child to assess and deal with risks.Often children with disabilities depend on the presence of a caregiver, and require a higher level of adult supervision; for examplechildren withAutisticSpectrum Disorders as they are prone to run away. The degree of acceptable risk for risky play activities in a child with disabilities must be assessed according to their individual traits. Sometimes certain activities must be avoided, such as tree climbing by children whosuffer fromepilepsy.
Otherfactors canalso affect the ability ofchildren with disabilities to fully participate in risky play. For instance, motor and sensory limitations can hamper their free movement and exploration of the environment. For example, children with sight impairments sometimes feel less able to carry out tasks than their peers, to take part in physical activities, totakestrolls on foot on their own outside of school, or with other children, which leads to higher inactivity.Williams G, Aggio D, Stubbs B, Pardhan S, Gardner B, Smith L. [ Physical activity levels in children with sensory problems: Cross-sectional analyses from the Millennium Cohort Study]. Disability and health journal. 2018 Jan 1;11(1):58-61. Furthermore, intellectual limitations can make it difficult for the child to assess and deal with risks. Often children with disabilities depend on the presence of a caregiver, and require a higher level of adult supervision(e.g.children withAutismSpectrum Disorders as they are prone to run away). The degree of acceptable risk for risky play activities in a child with disabilities must be assessed according to their individual traits. Sometimes,certain activities must be avoided, such as tree climbing by children whohaveepilepsy.

Sometimes it isnot easy for caregivers to find a balance between taking risks and maintaining health and safety for children with disabilities,and results sometimesin limited play opportunities for these children.[ Inclusion of disabled children in primary school playgrounds - Teaching Expertise] [Internet]. 2009 [cited 2022 Jun 21]. Available from: Additionally, and unfortunately, children with disabilities are disproportionately susceptible to bullying, when children who do not reflect dominant cultural norms are excluded within particular play spaces. Jeanes R, Magee J. ‘[ Can we play on the swings and roundabouts?’: creating inclusive play spaces for disabled young people and their families.] Leisure Studies. 2012 Apr 1;31(2):193-210. Also, playgrounds can be sites where young people define andlegitimizerepressive social hierarchies. Such discriminating experiences prevent children with disabilitiesto useoutdoor play spaces even more. Places which exclude children with disabilities are rarely natural constructs, but ratherresultsof dominant relations, policy and poor planning, whichallows able-bodiedchildren to benefit at the expense of children with disabilities. Furthermore, children with disabilities are more likely to grow up in families with low incomes than children who areable-bodied, which may restricttravelingtogether to participate in outdoor leisure activities.Therefore, to improve access to inclusive outdoor play the cooperation of multiple agencies is required, including the involvement of children and young people with disabilities and their families.
It mightnotalways beeasy for caregivers to find a balance between taking risks and maintaining health and safety for children with disabilities,which could resultin limited play opportunities for these children.[ Inclusion of disabled children in primary school playgrounds - Teaching Expertise] [Internet]. 2009 [cited 2022 Jun 21]. Available from: Additionally, and unfortunately, children with disabilities are disproportionately susceptible to bullying, when children who do not reflect dominant cultural norms are excluded within particular play spaces. Jeanes R, Magee J. ‘[ Can we play on the swings and roundabouts?’: creating inclusive play spaces for disabled young people and their families.] Leisure Studies. 2012 Apr 1;31(2):193-210. Also, playgrounds can be sites where young people define andlegitimiserepressive social hierarchies. Such discriminating experiences prevent children with disabilitiesfrom usingoutdoor play spaces even more. Places which exclude children with disabilities are rarely natural constructs, but ratherthe resultof dominant relations, policy and poor planning, whichallow non-disabledchildren to benefit at the expense of children with disabilities. Furthermore, children with disabilities are more likely to grow up in families with low incomes than children who arenon-disabled, which may restricta family's ability to traveltogether to participate in outdoor leisure activities. Therefore, to improve access to inclusive outdoor play the cooperation of multiple agencies is required, including the involvement of children and young people with disabilities and their families.

This video by Voice America discusses a special playground for children with special needs:
This video by Voice America discusses a special playground for children with special needs:

Revision as of 03:07, 5 May 2023

Original Editor- Andrea SturmTop Contributors- Special Contributors/ Inclusion of Children with Disabilities in Free Risky Play
Original Editor-Andrea Sturm
Top Contributors- {{Special:Contributors/Template:Inclusion of Children with Disabilities in Free Risky Play}}

A child’s right to play is enshrined by article 31 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. However, this right is not always met appropriately by institutions, governments and policymakers.[1]Play also includes physical activity, which is crucial for children to maintain their healthy social, physical and psychological development. About 80% of the children around the globe do not meet the recommendations of the WHO for 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity per day.[2]But it is not just the intensity that is relevant for health benefits, especially in children with disabilities. The importance of global psychosocial experiences such as satisfaction, enjoyment and perceptions of inclusion have been highlighted as well.[3]Ross et al.[3]define participation of children with disabilities in physical activity as follows:

'Physical activity participation describes “experiences in physically demanding movement, sport, game, or recreational play that results in energy expenditure and perceptions of communal involvement."'[3]

The participation in physical activity by children with disabilities can be qualified by:[3]

  1. Level: the frequency of attendance and intensity of physical exertion
  2. Quality of experience: self-perceived feelings of social inclusion, enjoyment, self-efficacy, and satisfaction
  3. Overall profile: the extent to which a child’s level of participation matches their expectation for a quality experience

Especially for a child with disabilities, the definition of participation in physical activity cannot be restricted to health and physical outcomes. Physical activity of children with disabilities is rather a broader health experience, situated within a dynamic child-environment interaction, which acknowledges the aspects of the quality of the experience. Underestimating the abilities of a child with disabilities in taking part in physical activity and play can result in lower expectations and fewer opportunities, and reduce their engagement in health-promoting behaviours. When children with disabilities engage in moderate to high intensity physical activity during their childhood, it can reduce their predisposed risk for the development of secondary health conditions such as non-communicable diseases. Enjoyable physical activities will foster childhood experiences that nourish the psychosocial development of children’s interpersonal skills, their self-confidence and self-efficacy. To increase their children’s participation in physical activity has been described as a primary goal of both parents and professionals in childhood disability.[3]

总的来说,孩子们努力执行的nd exciting play activities that involve some kind of risk such as climbing or jumping at great heights, swinging, playing or engaging in rough and tumble play. Free risky play offers opportunities to master age-adequate challenges, manage fears and to learn life skills. Reasonable risk taking in play is a fundamental factor in emotional development, and the development of gross motor and cognitive functions.[4]Children’s opportunities to engage in free outdoor risky play are limited by social and environmental factors, and the concerns of adults. These can compromise the child's overall health and wellbeing.

To engage in free and risky play is even more crucial for children with disabilities than for their peers without disabilities. A lack of accessible playgrounds or overprotective attitudes of caregivers are major barriers, preventing children with disabilities from fully benefiting from this kind of play experience.[5]

The social exclusion of people with impairments has been supported by applying a medical model of disability, which located disability within individuals and their bodies. Based on this model, health interventions, including physiotherapy, aimed (and sometimes still aim) to eliminate or ameliorate individual characteristics of a child's impairment. This kind of thinking minimises any consideration of disabling environmental and social influences.[6]Sometimes impairment is considered to be a biomechanical, physiological or cognitive condition. Consequently, disability is the experience of impairment as it is structured into a society, and is socially created. Using non-disabled children as a frame of reference contributes to an attitude of wanting children with disabilities ‘to do things normally’ rather than to accept the ‘normality of doing things differently’.[7]Indigenous children with disability are considered to have a ‘triple disadvantage’ because of additional limitations that they experience.[8]

残疾儿童需要的机会express themselves, including in education and health service contexts. It is important that children with disabilities can experience enjoyment and be able to exercise appropriate control over their lives and activities. Not surprisingly, children with disabilities experience therapy more positively when it is fun, pleasurable and/or engaging.[6][8]They also perceive the repetition of particular aspects of therapy sometimes as dull and boring. Of course, such interventions are promoted to prevent changes at structural, functional or activity levels through regular repetition. Nonetheless, besides being boring, such interventions may be uncomfortable, painful or limit a child's opportunities for participation in other activities or roles. Families reported tension and parental stress when having to impose sometimes painful exercises on their children. Parents struggle with situations where home programmes may be addressing long-term rehabilitation outcomes, but potentially harming children in socioemotional ways.[6]

So, why do health professionals not make use of the benefits of outdoor activities (for both children with disabilities and their caregivers) and risky play?

The Australian Physiotherapy Association explicitly recommended that children should actively engage in risky play to counterbalance the negative trends of physical inactivity due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Research suggests that physiotherapists should develop processes and practices for children with disabilities that are fun, engaging and affirming to each individual child in every moment of interaction.[6]This suggestion also applies to the construction of home programmes - i.e. we should consider both participation in outdoor physical activity and the quality of the experience.[3]This approach could help to counterbalance the fact that opportunities for children with disabilities to spend time in natural environments with their families are less than for non-disabled children. Different commitments of family members and organising therapies occupy a great deal of a caregiver's time, leaving little chance for outdoor recreation.[9]Combining physiotherapy or occupational therapy and outdoor activities either in the therapy-setting or when creating home programmes can contribute to pleasurable, positive relationships and achievements which are valued by children with disabilities.[6]

玩户外自由和获得自然界al environments is particularly important for children with (multiple) impairments. Sensory exploration of smells, textures and sounds of outdoor spaces can enhance children’s awareness and appreciation of natural environments, and contribute to their happiness, wellbeing and overall health. Outdoor play provides opportunities for exploring boundaries and to engage with the unknown or unexpected. This, in turn, improves levels of confidence and self-esteem. For example, for some children with disabilities putting their hands or feet outside into water, mud, sand or even snow might be perceived as a risk by them, just because it is an entirely new experience. Someone might have never touched a tree’s bark or a rock before and could be overwhelmed by this feeling. A form of risk-taking, in that sense, could also be to make an environment accessible (with sensitive facilitation by a caregiver or therapist) for someone who has difficulties in accessing it on their own.[10]Therefore, what is a risk, may be understood differently by different persons in different situations. Furthermore, offering choices of how to master a risky situation, also helps to facilitate the child’s decision-making and to develop self-efficacy. In children with disabilities, the understanding of risk-taking and risky outdoor play is wider and more inclusive. Facilitating the process of risk-taking and risky play activities of children with disabilities does not contradict the original intention of the concept of risky play as being unstructured, child-driven activities.[10]

大多数父母希望他们的孩子could be able to play outside unsupervised, but their anxieties including ‘stranger danger’ and concerns about road safety prevent them from providing much freedom to their children. Due to a range of social and environmental barriers, children with disabilities are restricted from this freedom to a greater extent than their non-disabled peers.[1]Children, and children with disabilities in particular, are often viewed as being dependent and vulnerable rather than being competent and able to actively make choices and participate in decision-making.[1][6]It has been reported that children who are deaf and children with communication impairments, autism or multiple health requirements are those most isolated and the least likely to be asked and heard.[1]

Other factors can also affect the ability of children with disabilities to fully participate in risky play. For instance, motor and sensory limitations can hamper their free movement and exploration of the environment. For example, children with sight impairments sometimes feel less able to carry out tasks than their peers, to take part in physical activities, to take strolls on foot on their own outside of school, or with other children, which leads to higher inactivity.[11]Furthermore, intellectual limitations can make it difficult for the child to assess and deal with risks.[5]Often children with disabilities depend on the presence of a caregiver, and require a higher level of adult supervision (e.g. children with Autism Spectrum Disorders as they are prone to run away).[9]The degree of acceptable risk for risky play activities in a child with disabilities must be assessed according to their individual traits. Sometimes, certain activities must be avoided, such as tree climbing by children who have epilepsy.[5]

It might not always be easy for caregivers to find a balance between taking risks and maintaining health and safety for children with disabilities, which could result in limited play opportunities for these children.[12]Additionally, and unfortunately, children with disabilities are disproportionately susceptible to bullying, when children who do not reflect dominant cultural norms are excluded within particular play spaces.[1][13]Also, playgrounds can be sites where young people define and legitimise repressive social hierarchies.[13]Such discriminating experiences prevent children with disabilities from using outdoor play spaces even more. Places which exclude children with disabilities are rarely natural constructs, but rather the result of dominant relations, policy and poor planning, which allow non-disabled children to benefit at the expense of children with disabilities.[13]Furthermore, children with disabilities are more likely to grow up in families with low incomes than children who are non-disabled, which may restrict a family's ability to travel together to participate in outdoor leisure activities.[9]Therefore, to improve access to inclusive outdoor play the cooperation of multiple agencies is required, including the involvement of children and young people with disabilities and their families.[1]

This video by Voice America discusses a special playground for children with special needs:

Resources[edit|edit source]

References[edit|edit source]

  1. A. Joining the big adventure • SEN Magazine [Internet]. SEN Magazine. 2012 [cited 2022 Jun 21]. Available from:
  2. Aubert S, Barnes JD, Abdeta C, Abi Nader P, Adeniyi AF, Aguilar-Farias N, Tenesaca DS, Bhawra J, Brazo-Sayavera J, Cardon G, Chang CK.Global matrix 3.0 physical activity report card grades for children and youth: results and analysis from 49 countries. Journal of physical activity and health. 2018 Jan 2;15(s2):S251-73.
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