Physical Activity and Women

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Introduction[edit|edit source]

Social inequality, poverty and inequitable access to resources, including health care, result in a high burden of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) among women worldwide. Although women generally tend to live longer with NCDs than men, they are often in poor health.[1]Regular physical activity is vital for good physical and mental health. It helps improve your overall health and fitness, maintain a healthy weight, reduce your risk for many chronic diseases and promote good mental health.

Australia's Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour Guidelines recommend that at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity on most, preferably all, days is required for good health. This is the same for women and men. However, only 54 per cent of Australian women meet these guidelines.

Some of the barriers to physical exercise that women face include family responsibilities, body image and perceptions of safety.Cite error: Invalidtag; name cannot be a simple integer. Use a descriptive title

Benifits of physical activity for women[edit|edit source]

Regular physical activity can improve womens' health and help prevent many of the diseases and conditions that are major causes of death and disability for women around the world. Many women suffer from disease processes that are associated with inadequate participation in physical activity:[2]

  • Cardiovascular diseases account for one-third of deaths among women around the world and half of all deaths in women over 50 years old in developing countries.
  • Diabetes affects more than 70 million women in the world and its prevalence is projected to double by 2025.
  • Osteoporosis is a disease in which bones become fragile and more likely to break and is most prevalent in post-menopausal women.
  • Breast cancer is the mostly commonly diagnosed cancer in women.Women who engage in regular exercise have been shown to have a reduced risk of breast cancer.[3]
  • In a study of the elderly, it was found that those participants who reported walking 120 or more minutes a week were “associated with a lower risk of emergency room visits and hospital stays in the subsequent year.”Cite error: Invalidtag; name cannot be a simple integer. Use a descriptive title
  • In a study comparing a group of women who were self-selected to participate in an exercise regimen versus a sedentary group, it was shown that “the moderate-intensity physical activity program experienced potentially valuable health and social cognitive improvements relative to those who did not participate.”
  • 据美国妇产科学院d Gynecology, physical activity not only improves cardiovascular health, but also helps to keep blood pressure, weight, and cholesterol in control.
  • The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology educational bulletin recommends that both premenopausal and menopausal women exercise in order to prevent osteoporosis.
  • In 2003, the Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation reported that even small amounts of physical activity done routinely are found to improve quality of life and mood.Cite error: Invalidtag; name cannot be a simple integer. Use a descriptive title

体育活动也与我有关proved psychological health by reducing levels of stress, anxiety and depression. This is particularly important for women who demonstrate an incidence of depression that is reported to be almost double that of men in both developed and developing countries. It has also been suggested that physical activity can contribute to building self-esteem and confidence and can provide a vehicle for social integration and equality for women in society.Cite error: Invalidtag; name cannot be a simple integer. Use a descriptive title

Barriers to physical activity[edit|edit source]

Common exercise barriers for women include:Cite error: Invalidtag; name cannot be a simple integer. Use a descriptive title
lack of time
lack of motivation
parenting demands
lack of energy
health conditions
lack of money
gender stereotyping.

Physical inactivity is generally more prevalent among girls and women than their male counterparts. Many factors hinder the participation of women in physical activity and their access to health care:Cite error: Invalidtag; name cannot be a simple integer. Use a descriptive title

The income of women is often lower than that of men and therefore the costs of access to physical activity facilities may be a barrier.
Agreement may be required from senior members of the household who control household resources before a woman can engage in physical activity.
Women often have a workload in the home and care-giving roles for other family members which may limit the time available for them to engage in physical activity.
Women who have limited mobility may be unable to travel to health centres or physical activity facilities.
Cultural expectations may restrict the participation of women in certain forms of physical activity.

Overcome barriers[edit|edit source]

Lack of time– many women juggle child-rearing, household duties and paid work, and don't find time for themselves. Try to exercise whenever you have the chance. Three 10-minute bouts of physical activity over the day have the same health benefits as a continuous 30-minute session. Exercise DVDs are a good way to slot some physical activity into a busy day. Also building in activity with your children, such as walking to the shops or playing in the park is a great way to stay active.Cite error: Invalidtag; name cannot be a simple integer. Use a descriptive title
Lack of motivation– some women say they don’t feel motivated without a training partner. Others think that, to be useful, exercise must be painful, sweaty and gruelling (which isn’t true). If you feel this way, find a training partner. You could also contact your local council or community centre for information on exercise clubs in your area. For example, you could join a local walking group. Don’t just think of gyms and jogging. You might find dancing or roller-skating fun, or look up VicHealth’s TeamUp app to find others who share similar activity interests.
Parenting demands– many women fulfil multiple care-giving responsibilities, for example for children and older relatives, and take responsibility for meal preparation and cleaning. Try to share child rearing and household chores with your partner or friends. Perhaps your family can help, or maybe paid childcare is an option. Ask friends if they are interested in swapping babysitting. Include physical activity in your caring, it’s important for young and old.
Lack of energy – fatigue is a by-product of a busy lifestyle. Mothers are often tired. Regular exercise gives you the energy to better cope with the demands of daily life. If you keep this in mind, it may help you push past the tiredness during your first few of weeks of regular exercise.
Health problems – older women are more likely to have a chronic health condition (for example, arthritis) that limits their participation in some forms of exercise. Talk to your doctor about appropriate forms of exercise. In most cases, physical limitations don’t rule out all activities. For example, exercise in water (such as aquarobics) is an enjoyable option for many people with arthritis.Cite error: Invalidtag; name cannot be a simple integer. Use a descriptive title
Lack of money – women on low incomes are less likely to exercise regularly. Exercise doesn’t require expensive clothes or a gym membership. One of the most beneficial forms of exercise is free – brisk walking. Most community centres offer a range of physical activity classes and childcare at modest prices.
Gender stereotyping– women who believe that child rearing and domestic chores are ‘women’s work’ are less likely to take time to exercise – perhaps because they feel guilty taking time out for themselves. If you feel this way, think about your beliefs around women’s roles. It may be that sexism is one of your barriers. The most important way to look after others is to look after yourself first.

Physical Activity for Women During Pregnancy and the Postpartum Period[edit|edit source]

Physical activity during pregnancy benefits a woman's overall health. For example, moderate-intensity physical activity by healthy women during pregnancy maintains or increases cardiorespiratory fitness.[4]

Strong scientific evidence shows that the risks of moderate-intensity activity done by healthy women during pregnancy are very low, and do not increase risk of low birth weight, preterm delivery, or early pregnancy loss. Some evidence suggests that physical activity reduces the risk of pregnancy complications, such as preeclampsia and gestational diabetes, and reduces the length of labor, but this evidence is not conclusive.

在一个正常的产后期间,定期的自然史l activity continues to benefit a woman's overall health. Studies show that moderate-intensity physical activity during the period following the birth of a child increases a woman's cardiorespiratory fitness and improves her mood. Such activity does not appear to have adverse effects on breast milk volume, breast milk composition, or infant growth.

Physical activity also helps women achieve and maintain a healthy weight during the postpartum period, and when combined with caloric restriction, helps promote weight loss.

Resources[edit|edit source]

Recent Related Research (fromPubmed)[edit|edit source]

Reference[edit|edit source]

  1. Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and HealthfckLRfckLR WHO > Programmes and projects > Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity & Health
  3. Recreational Physical Activity and the Risk of Breast Cancer in Postmenopausal WomenfckLRThe Women's Health Initiative Cohort Study