Survey As A Research Method

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调查是最常见的一种研究方法in health and social care services. Survey is a term that generally refers to selection of a sample from pre-determined population (people whom the researcher is interested in specific study) to collect data.The collected data from sample is used to make an interference about wider population.

In survey research the data usually collected by using standardised form whether by interview or questionnaire. Surveys are designed to give a snap shot of how things are at specific time or condition without any control or manipulation to participants or variables[1].

Surveys are widely considered as a quantitative method which well situated to provide a factual and descriptive information,in contrast to qualitative methods that give deeper understanding of participant views by using focus groups or unstructured interviews[2].

Different types of survey research:[edit|edit source]

  1. Kelley, K., Clark, B., Brown, V. & Sitzia, J. 2003,Good practice in the conduct and reporting of survey research, Oxford :.
  2. De Vaus, D.A. 2002,Surveys in social research,Psychology Press.