User:Ahmed Nasr

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Name[edit|edit source]

Ahmed Nasr Hussein

About Me
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Iam from Egypt , a final year physiotherapy student at faculty of physical therapy Cairo university, i have passion and enthusiasm with self learning and continuous education, improving my knowledge especially in the musculoskeletal and kinesiology fields. for my excellency i did a lecture on the Orthopedic PT scientific meetings for the orthopedic department of faculty of physical therapy Cairo university , i have been awarded a one year free membership to Trust Me - Ed courses for my enthusiasm

Education[edit|edit source]

• studying in at faculty of physical therapy Cairo university

• studying functional anatomy at Brookbush Institute

• i trained at 2 clinics

Professional Affiliations
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• i am a member at physio smart clinic team with goal in mind to build one of the best clinics in the middle east you can see our face book page below .

you can contact me on:
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• linkedin[1]

• my facebook page[2]

• my team`s clinic facebook page[3]