Extensor Digitorum Brevis

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Extensor digitorum brevis.png

起源[edit|edit source]

这是一个内在肌肉在做rsum of the foot.It arises from the upper and lateral of surface of the calacaneous,floor of tarsal sinus, talocalcaneal ligament, stem of inferior extensor retinaculum[1][2]

Insertion[edit|edit source]

It`s tendons inserted into the long tendons of four medial digits (toes 2_4)[2]

Nerve supply[edit|edit source]

deep fibular nervre ( L5 orS1 or both )[2]

Action[edit|edit source]

HelpsExtensor digiorium longusin extending of metatarsophalangeal joints, interphalangeal joints of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th toes[2]

  1. Anatomy next. Extensor digitorium brevis. Available fromhttps://www.anatomynext.com/extensor-digitorum-brevis/accessed at (26july 2019)
  2. L. , Anne M. R . Clinically Oriented Anatomy . philidephia : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.Feb 13, 2013