User:Ayesha Arabi

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Name[edit|edit source]

Ayesha Arabi

About Me[edit|edit source]

I am a physiotherapy student studying in United Arab Emirates. I am a STOTT pilates instructor, specialized in Mat, Reformer and Injuries and Special population. I am also a TRX instructor.

During my gap year from university, I happen to fell in love in Pilates and its methods of healing individuals, It was around this time that made me rethink my future career since I realized the importance of my body and movement. This eventually made me take the plunge to switch my field of study from Pharmacology to Physiotherapy.

Education[edit|edit source]

Bsc Physiotherapy - (2018-ongoing)

STOTT Pilates - Mat, Reformer, Injuries and Special Population

Academic Award[edit|edit source]

  • Distinction Scholarship - 2018-2019
  • Best Student Award - Class of 2015

Activities and Interests[edit|edit source]

  • Outdoors- Hiking, OCR races, Marathon running
  • Reading- Fiction, Non-fiction
  • Tutoring- Elementary and Middle-school students
  • Cooking
  • Volunteering