Landing Error Scoring System ( LESS)

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Top Contributors-Aastha Chowhan

Objective[edit|edit source]

The landing Error scoring System (LESS) is an inexpensive clinical tool used to asses the jump-landing biomechanics. It is used to identify the risk of non-contact injuries during jumping and landing movements. It assesses 9 landing concepts and has 13 yes/no questions which are scored out of 19 points.

Intended Population[edit|edit source]

The LESS is used to identify the risk of non-contact injuries in athletes especially involved in sports with a lot of jumping and landing. It is an useful screening tool to identify 'at-risk' athletes and then direct them towards the appropriate training programs. The LESS is also used to assist in deciding return to sport for patients that have undergone anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR) surgery (R).

Jumping technique.jpg

Method of Use[edit|edit source]

  • Materials required -
    • 12 inch platform
    • Target line (At a distance of half the subjects height)
    • 2 cameras at 1 meter height (At 10 feet in front of the landing area and at 10 feet to the right of the landing area)
    • 更少的规模
  • Precautions- Make sure that the surface is not affected by wet or slippery conditions
  • Procedure-
    • Athlete is provided a demonstration prior to their assessment
    • The athlete is instructed to jump forward from the box with both feet
    • Both feet should make contact beyond the target line
    • After contact, jump right back up to maximal height and land again on both feet
    • This is repeated for three trials
    • The video of the jumps is taken from both the cameras in front and at the side
  • Interpretation

Reference[edit|edit source]

Evidence[edit|edit source]

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