User:Marleen Moll

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Name[edit|edit source]

Marleen Moll

About Me[edit|edit source]

Originally from the Netherlands, I am currently working as a physiotherapist, personal trainer and group instructor in Norway. I work in a private setting with all possible clients and their challenges, primarily with sports injuries and lifestyle changes. The population I work with also finds me with their pelvic floor problems, chronic pain and psychosomatic complaints. Between having unpredictable working hours and working in a language I haven't completely mastered yet I am always looking for ways to develop myself and I try to learn something new every day.

Education[edit|edit source]

  • Bachelor of Science in Physiotherapy from University of Applied Sciences in Leiden, the Netherlands
  • Courses in Blood Flow Restriction Training, Medical Taping

Professional Affiliations[edit|edit source]

  • Registered health care professional in the Netherlands and Norway
  • Member of the Dutch Royal Physiotherapy Association (KNGF)
  • Member of the Norwegian Physiotherapist Association (NFF)
  • Physiotherapist with Rosenborg U20, Norwegian female soccer team

Where you can find me[edit|edit source]

Find me onLinkedIn,Instagramor at my favorite coffee bar in Trondheim,Jacobsen og Svart.

Physiopedia badges[edit|edit source]
