Diadynamic Therapy

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Introduction[edit|edit source]

Diadynamic therapy is an another example for low frequency current rarely used in UK but in mainland Europe has stronger following. it is monophasic sinusoidal current was developed in the 1950's,by Bernard (a French Dentist). so it is called also Bernard current.The frequency is operating at 50 Hz with pulse duration 10 msec.

There are four different current available for Didynamic current.[1][2][3]

  1. Monophase fixe.(MF)
  2. Diphase fixe.(DF)
  3. Courtes periodes.(CP)
  4. Longues periodes.(LP)

Types of Bernard current[edit|edit source]

Sub Heading 3[edit|edit source]

Resources[edit|edit source]

  • bulleted list
  • x


  1. numbered list
  2. x

References[edit|edit source]

  1. Bolel、K。s . Hizmetli et al . .“交感皮肤responses in reflex sympathetic dystrophy. (2006)
  2. Can, F., R. Tandoğan, et al.. "Rehabilitation of patellofemoral pain syndrome: TENS versus diadynamic current therapy for pain relief." The Pain Clinic (2003)
  3. de Carvalho, A. R., E. M. Fungueto, et al. "Bernard's diadynamic currents and iontophoresis in low back pain treatment (2005).