User:Ayesha Arabi

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Name[edit|edit source]

Ayesha A. Arabi

About Me[edit|edit source]

Ayesha has been passionate for wellbeing and fitness as far as she can remember.

During her year off from college where she was majoring in Pharmacology and Immunology, she discovered Pilates and its remarkable effects on rehabilitation. Ayesha soon embarked the journey of becoming a certified Pilates instructor and switching her major to Physiotherapy.

Ayesha is currently a 3rd year Physiotherapy student.

Education[edit|edit source]

Bsc Physiotherapy - (2018-ongoing)

STOTT Pilates - Mat, Reformer, Injuries and Special Population

TRX Suspension Trainer

Academic Award[edit|edit source]

  • Distinction Scholarship - 2018-2019, 2019-2020
  • Best Student Award - Class of 2015

Activities and Interests[edit|edit source]

During her free time you will find Ayesha experimenting in the kitchen. She loves working on new healthy recipes. On weekends, she takes part in obstacle course races or volunteering at special needs centers.