Content Review

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What Is Content Review?[edit|edit source]

Physiopedia is a community-edited website. The content review process is the process by which the standard of the content on Physiopedia is monitored and maintained. It ensures that the best up to date, evidence-based information is available to physiotherapists worldwide. Monitoring and updating the wealth of information on Physiopedia is a huge task is managed by a team of dedicated volunteers. In addition, anyone from our global community can take part in this process which we encourage as a learning activity and professional development opportunity.

The Benefits of Participating in Content Review[edit|edit source]

Contributing to Physiopedia is a great complement to any physiotherapists' daily work, and also to your CV.

The benefits include:

  • Knowledge growth -You are likely to gain new profession-related up-to-date knowledge and also to advance your technical skills.
  • Professional development -reviewing content contributes to your continuing education and professional development.
  • Evidence of contribution -On completion of a successful page review, all reviewers will receive a certificate of completion that you can store in yourPhysiopluseportfolio.
  • Professional pride- The positive contribution that you have made to our global profession by playing an important role in building this professional resource for our community.

Choosing a Page to Review[edit|edit source]

If you independently reviewing a page in Physiopedia:

You can choose any page! Choose a page that you have seen needs improvement, that is within your specialist area of knowledge or that you would like to learn more about. You can search for pages on specific topics (click on the magnifying glass icon in the navigation bar at the top of the page) or you canbrowse the articles list.

If you have joined the Content Team:

Each month Physiopedia has a 'Topic Of The Month', this is a great way to focus your content reviewing. At the beginning of the month, the Content Manager (and other members of the team) will make suggestions of pages that need reviewing to the team in our team communication platform. This provides a great place to start from in choosing your page, however, if you do not see something that takes your fancy or fits your area of expertise, please feel free to work on any other page of your choice.Join the Content Team.

Reviewing the Content of a Page Is Done in Four Parts[edit|edit source]

  1. Content review- you will use your physiotherapy knowledge and experience to ensure that the content represents the most informative and current evidenced-based information on the topic.
  2. Literature search- you should use yourliterature searching skillsto review the most recent evidence on this topic and add in additional evidence, explanations or arguments as you feel appropriate.
  3. Page layout and presentation- here you will check the formatting and layout of the page is in line with theQuality Standards, and make improvements as necessary.
  4. Media and links- here you will check that the media in the page is appropriate and does not infringe copyright. You can make the page even better by adding additional media (images and video). You should also make links from the content to other pages within Physiopedia so that all the related pages link together.

See the step by step guide to reviewing content.

Submitting Your Review[edit|edit source]

Once you have completed your review you should submit it to the Physiopedia team so that they can review your work. This is the process:

  1. Submit your page here.
  2. The Physiopedia team will review your updated page submission.
  3. You will be informed within 2 weeks if further improvements need to be made to the page.
  4. Once your review is accepted we will add your name and the date the review was completed to the page.
  5. You will be sent a certificate of completion and awarded the appropriate badges.

Need Help?[edit|edit source]

Join the Team![edit|edit source]

我们总是渴望听到来自物理治疗师who would like to contribute to the profession by reviewing content. If you are keen to become an official member of thecontent editorial teampleaseget in touch by email.