University of Limerick Impairment and Disability Project

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Project Description[edit|edit source]

This project has been created as part of the Year 4 module on BSc Physiotherapy at the University of Limerick: PY4019 Impairment and Disability and results in the production of an evidence based handbook which will be published in Physiopedia.

目标[edit|edit source]

The purpose of the module is to foster in the student, the capability of self-directed learning, team-working and peer assessment. These skills underpin continuing professional development and will enable the student to participate in lifelong learning throughout their professional career. This self-directed module challenges the student physiotherapist, working in study groups, to identify their own learning needs around a specific topic and to develop a plan of how to meet those needs for themselves and their year group. The student will implement this plan, in consultation with the module leader on the allocated topic via the delivery of a short-course to their peers. In addition each group produces an evidence based handbook to accompany the short-course.

This module aims:

  • To encourage both independent and peer learning
  • To encourage personal and collective responsibility for achieving learning goals
  • To foster team building and team role awareness
  • To enhance learners’ understanding of assessment
  • To develop the skills and ability to critique their own and their peers performance objectively
  • To develop the skills and attributes required for continuing professional development (lifelong learning)

Project dates[edit|edit source]

July 2013

Course Instructors[edit|edit source]

Karen McCreesh

Articles[edit|edit source]

Listed below are Articles that have been developed as part of this project in 2012-13: