Agility T-Test

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Original Editor-Monfermoso Roberto

Top Contributors-Roberto Monfermoso,Chelsea Mclene,Kim JacksonandLucinda hampton

Introduction[edit|edit source]

The T-Test is one of the most importantagilityTest, used in a lot of different sports all around the world. The test is a combination of different sport specific pattern as forward, lateral, and backward movements. The AgilityT-test was administered as originally set out by Semenick.[1]

Purpose[edit|edit source]

The AgilityT-test is commonly used to assess the ability of team sport athletes to change direction, including acceleration, deceleration, and lateral movement during preseason testing protocols.[2]

Technique[edit|edit source]

Subjects were asked to sprint forwards 9.14 m from the start line to the first cone and touch the tip with their right hand, shuffle 4.57 m left to the second cone and touch with their left hand, then shuffle 9.14 m to the right to the third cone and touch with their right, shuffle 4.57 m back left to the middle cone and touch with their left hand before finally back pedaling to the start line. Time began upon subjects passing through the timing gates and stopped upon them passing through on return.

The test will not be counted if the subject crosses one foot in front of the other while shuffling, fails to touch the base of the cones, or fails to face forward throughout the test. Take the best time of three successful trials.[2]

Equipment required:cones, stopwatch or tools as timing cells

Advantages:It's a simple agility test to perform, requiring limited equipment and space.

Disadvantages:Only one person can perform the test at a time.[3]

Video of Agility T-Test[4]

Score[edit|edit source]

Hoffman, J. (2006). Norms for Fitness, Performance, and Health. Champaign, Ill.: Human Kinetics.
Ranking Males




Excellent <9.50 <10.50
Good 9.51–10.50 10.51–11.50
Average 10.51–11.50 11.51–12.50
Poor >11.50 > 12.50

Reliability and validity of the T-test[edit|edit source]

Paule et. al. (2000) said that the T-test appears to be highly reliable and measures a combination of components, including leg speed, leg power, and agility, and may be used to differentiate between those of low and high levels of sports participation. For men, the Pearson product moment correlations between the T-test and the 40-yd dash, vertical jump, and hexagon test werer= 0.53,r= −0.49, andr= 0.42, respectively (p< 0.05). For women, the corresponding correlations werer= 0.73,r= −0.55, andr= 0.48 (p< 0.05). Regression analyses showed that for men 48% of the variability and for women 62% of the variability of the T-test scores can be predicted from measures of leg power, leg speed, and agility (p< 0.05).[3]

Raya et. al. (2013) found a good positive relationship between the Illinois Agility Test (IAT) and T-Test (r = 0.76, p < 0.001) and a moderate negative relationship exists between the Edgren Side Step Test (ESST) and both the T-Test (r = -0.69, p < 0.001) and IAT (r = -0.65, p < 0.001). The results suggest that these tests are valid measures of agility that uniquely assess movement in different planes, thus providing a comprehensive assessment of high-level mobility[5]

References[edit|edit source]

  1. Semenick, D. Tests and measurements: TheT-test.Strength Cond J1990 12: 36-37
  2. 2.02.1Allan G. Munro and C. Herrington Between-session reliability of four hop test and the agility t-test Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research: May 2011 - Volume 25 - Issue 5 - p 1470-1477 doi: 10.1519/JSC.0b013e3181d83335
  3. 3.03.1Paule Kainoa; Madole Kent; Garhammer John; Lacourse Michael;Rozenek Ralph:Reliability and Validity of the T-Test as a Measure of Agility, Leg Power, and Leg Speed in College-Aged Men and Women. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research. 2000 14. 10.1519/00124278-200011000-00012.
  4. AFM FITTEST tips from Diane Vives; Available from:
  5. Michele A. Raya; Robert S. Gailey; Ignacio A. Gaunaurd ; LTC Daniel M. Jayne ; MAJ (Ret) Stuart M. Campbell ; Erica Gagne, DPT; Patrick G. Manrique, DPT; Daniel G. Muller; Christen Tucker Comparison of three agility tests with male servicemembers: Edgren Side Step Test, T-Test, and Illinois Agility Test Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development (JRRD) 2013 Pages 951–960