Human Trafficking Awareness for Rehabilitation Professionals

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This page contains information about Human Trafficking, including sexual assault and abuse. There are links to videos which include survivor's first hand account of their experiences.

Introduction[edit|edit source]

"Human Traffickingis the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of people through force, fraud or deception, with the aim of exploiting them for profit. Men, women and children of all ages and from all backgrounds can become victims of this crime, which occurs in every region of the world." -United Nations, Office of Drugs and Crime[1]

The United States Department of State describes "trafficking in persons" "human trafficking" and "modern slavery" as interchangeable terms.[2]

Human trafficking is a global issue.Information about healthcare being first line of recognition.

Definitions and Concepts[edit|edit source]

Below is a list of definitions and concepts within the context of human trafficking. Please refer to this list as needed throughout the Rehabilitation's Role in Human Trafficking Intervention course.

  • Coercionis a means of control. It is the act of persuading another person into action by means of threats or force. In context of human trafficking this can include: threats of serious bodily harm, physical restraint, psychological or emotional manipulation, and document confiscation.[3]
  • Commercial Sex Actrefers to any sexual act or conduct, or sexually explicit performance promised to/given to/or received by any person in exchange for anything of value.[3][4]
  • Debt Bondage(也称为债务奴隶,保税劳动,或peonage) is a pledge of services by a debtor (or a person under the debtor's control) to repay know or unknown amount of debt. Examples of these charges can include: fees for transportation, food and boarding, interest on a loan, and fines for missing a quota. Often the terms for debt repayment are not clear which gives the lender control over the debtor. When the services for debt repayment are not clearly defined, the debtor can become trapped in a cycle of debt they cannot pay down and are obligated to provided services indefinitely.[3][5]
  • Force, in the context of human trafficking, is a means of control over victims. The use of monitoring and/or confinement is often used during the early stages of victimization to erode the victim's resistance. Physical forms of force used in human trafficking can include: physical restraint, and physical and sexual assault. This is related toharboringof a victim which involves isolation, confinement, and monitoring.[3]
  • Fraud, in the context of human trafficking, involves the false representation or promise of employment, wage, debt agreement, working condition, and relationship status including marriage.[3]
  • Human Smugglingis the exchange of fees or services to gain transportation or fraudulent documentation to illegally cross a border into a foreign country.[6]
  • Involuntary Servitude(also known as involuntary slavery) refers to a person being coerced into a form of labour against their will to the benefit of another person.[3][7]
  • Obtaining, in the context of human trafficking, is the forced taking or exchange of something to gain control over another person.[3]
  • Patronizing, in the context of sex trafficking, is receiving a sexual act or sexually explicit performance.[3]
  • Receive
  • Recruitingis the proactive targeting of vulnerable persons and the grooming of wanted behaviours by means of fraud and coercion by human traffickers.[3]
  • Slavery, in the context of human trafficking, is when a controlled person is forced to provide labour and/or services against their will.[3]
  • Soliciting, in the context of sex trafficking, involves the offering a sexual act or sexually explicit performance.[3]
  • Transportingincludes the movement and arrangement of travel for persons being trafficked.[3]
  • Transfer

Human Trafficking versus Human Smuggling[edit|edit source]

Information in the above table is adapted from the Human Trafficking Fact Sheet created by the US Department of Health and Human Services Office on Trafficking in Person.[3]
Human Trafficking Human Smuggling
  • Victims are forced, defrauded, or coerced into trafficking
  • If consent was initially offered it is rendered null by exploiting labour, services, or commercial sex
  • Individuals give consent to being illegally smuggled and involved a transaction of some sort
  • The transaction is mutual and ends at the arrival at the agreed-upon destination
Victim of the crime committed against an individual committed against a country
Domestic or Transitional
  • Victimization can be transnational or domestic
  • Trafficking does not require crossing international or state borders
Smuggling is transnational by definition

Human traffickingis involuntary. The victims are trafficked by force, fraud, and/or coercion to provide labour or services against their will. Human trafficking victims do not have to be moved, relocated, or transported in any way.[3][6]It can occur in the victim's own town or home. In the United States, any person under the age of 18 who is a victim of sex for profit is automatically considered a trafficking victim.[6]

Human smugglingis voluntary. It is the exchange of fees or services to gain transportation or fraudulent documentation to illegally cross a border into a foreign country.[8][6]Human smuggling does not involve coercion, most people seeking out these services are fleeing violence or poverty.[6]


Consensual Commercial Sex versus Sex Trafficking[edit|edit source]

Consensual Commercial Sex Sex Trafficking
  • All involved individuals give consent
  • Not a violation of the sex worker's human rights[9]
  • Trafficked individual does not give consent, but is coerced into the sexual act or performance
  • Sex trafficking is a violation of the victim's human rights[9]
Person involved Sex workers are consenting adults Victims of sex trafficking can include men, women, and children
Payment for Services Sex workers earn and keep income All income or services go to the trafficker, not the victim

"Sex workis consensual.Human traffickingis not. When you conflate the two, and you label all sex workers as victims of human trafficking, it totally takes away from the folks who are being trafficked"[10]

-Julia Baumann

founder and coordinator of Safe Space, a drop-in centre for sex workers in London

Consensual Commercial Sex(also known as sex work) is when a person willingly takes part in the sale of a consensual sexual act or conduct.[9]

Sex Trafficking(also known as Sexual Exploitation) is the sale of nonconsensual sexual acts or conduct through force or coercion.[9]. Victims of sex trafficking include all races, genders, ages, socioeconomic backgrounds, and nationalities.

Human Trafficking[edit|edit source]


More than 175 nations have ratified or acceded to the UN Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons (the UN TIP Protocol), which defines trafficking in persons and contains obligations to prevent and combat the crime.[2]

  • Trafficking does not require crossing internations or state borders
  • Limitations of data on human trafficking

Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 (TVPA), as amended(22 U.S.C. §7102).


Types of Human Trafficking[edit|edit source]

The US State Department recognizes two types of human trafficking, and classifies them as federal crimes:[2]

  1. Labour trafficking(also known as forced labour) involves the use of force, fraud, and/or coercion to obtain labour from the trafficking victim. Labour trafficking can occur within any industry or sector: agriculture and meat farming, factory work, hospitality industry such as restaurants, hotels, or massage parlors; retail, mines, private home, or drug trafficking operations.
    Two widespread forms of labour trafficking include:[2]
    • Domestic servitudeinvolves a victim performing forced labour in a private residence.[2]
    • Forced child labourinvolves children being forced or coerced to work. Unfortunately forms of slavery including the sale of children, and debt bondage of children continue to exist across the world. Forced child labour is different from children who are able and choose to legally seek employment and work.
      • Some indicators of forced child labour include (1) when the child appears to be in the custody of a non-family member and their work benefits that person, (2) withholding food, rest, or schooling to a child who is working.[2]
  2. Sex traffickinginvolves the use of force, fraud, and/or coercion to perform a commercial sexual act or conduct. The victim can suffer threats of serious physical or psychological harm, threats to friends or family, or debt bondage. Sex trafficking can occur in any location including physical locations and on the internet.[2]Examples of sexual exploitation can include: prostitution, escort agencies, phone sex lines, stripping on a web cam or internet chat rooms, and pornography.[11],
    • Child sex traffickinginvolves sex trafficking with a person under the age of 18 years. The use of force, fraud, or coercion is irrelevant, children engaging in commercial sex is illegal in most countries around the world.[2]

The United Nations, private and not-for-profit organizations such asStop the Traffickacknowledge other types of human trafficking to include:

  1. Forced marriage[2][12]occurs when a person is forced into marriage under threats of force, fraud or through coercion. Situations where forced marriage may occur include: as access into a country or access to benefits.[11]
  2. Forced criminal activity[2][12]involves a person carrying out a criminal activity under threats of force, fraud or through coercion. Forced criminality can include: drug distribution, cannabis cultivation, begging, pickpocketing or bag snatching, ATM theft, or the selling of counterfeit goods.[11]
  3. Child soldiers[2]involves a child serving as a soldier or to commit a crime to the benefit of the trafficker under threats of force, fraud or through coercion.[12]
  4. Organ harvesting[2][12]and traffickinginvolves the removal of an organ or body part to sell on the blackmarket. The victim can be cheated out of an agreeabled upon price for the organ, have an organ removed without their knowledge during treatment for another medical condition, or kidnapped and have an organ removed without their consent.[11]

Dynamics of Human Trafficking[edit|edit source]

Trafficker[edit|edit source]

People who deal in human trafficking do so for monetary and financial gain. These crimes go undercounted and unrecognized because they are often difficult to detect.

Trafficker Profiles[edit|edit source]


"In 2020, 42% of trafficking victims were brought into trafficking by a member of their own families and 39% were recruited via an intimate partner or a marriage proposition."[13]-The Polaris Project

Both US and international law state that human traffickers can be classified as corporations or other legal entities, or private persons.[14]. According to an extensive review of federal human trafficking prosecution in the United States since TVPA was enacted in 2000 found that the vast majority of prosecuted human traffickers were private persons. The review found that in 2020, the average defendant was a 36yo man, with 81% of all human trafficking case defendants being male. When comparing sex and labour trafficking cases from 2020, men made up 82% of defendants in sex trafficking cases and women made 43% of defendants in labour trafficking cases. This data was found to track with global trends,[15]however there is no one human trafficker's profile type and they could come from any segment of the population. Human traffickers can be foreign nationals or local citizens, family members, spouses/partners, friends, acquaintances, or strangers. They can be individual actors or part of a larger organisation. They can be pimps, gang members, diplomats, or business owners.[16]

The review went on to say that traffickers often know and have a trusting relationship with their victim. Data on sex trafficking cases from 2020, approximately 43% of defendants previously knew their victims. Of these cases: 31% were social media contacts, 21% as a spouse or intimate partner, 13% as a human smuggler, and 10% as a friend or classmate. Data on labour trafficking cases found approximately 57% of defendants previously knew their victims.[15]

At what point a person transitions to a trafficker can be difficult to identify. The review points to the fact that the nature of the coercion used by the trafficker are highly personalised.[15]

Trafficker Recruitment Techniques[edit|edit source]

Human trafficking recruitment is often based on the deception of innocent, unsuspecting victim. Recruitment techniques commonly used by traffickers include:

  • Threats or use of violence[17]
  • Manipulation[15][17]
  • Seduction and romance[15][17][18]
  • Forced pregnancy[18]
  • False employment promises[17][18]
  • False promises about education or travel[18]
  • Sale by family[18]
  • Recruitment of formerly enslaved persons[18]
  • Abuse of religious beliefs[15][18]
  • Abduction[18]or kidnapping

In some cases, a former victim of human trafficking will become a trafficker themselves. This is most commonly the case of female victims of sex trafficking.[15]This speaks to the grooming and psychological manipulation victims of human trafficking suffer and endure.

Victim[edit|edit source]

Human trafficking victims can come from any segment of the population, however traffickers tend to prey upon people with the following vulnerabilities:

  • Poverty/economic hardship[17][16]
  • Limited English proficiency[16]
  • Lack of lawful immigration status[16]
  • lack of stable safe housing[16]
  • Lack of a social safety net[17]
  • Following a natural disaster, war or political instability[17]
  • Limited economic and educational opportunities[16]
  • Psychological or emotional vulnerability[17]

Human trafficking victims are often tricked or mislead into trafficking by (1) false romantic intentions, (2) promises of good employment or pay, and (3) a stable life.[16]. They can be of any gender or age, and come from any educational, socio-economic, ethnicity or nationality, or religious background. However, women and girls are at a higher risk of being trafficked for sexual exploitation. Refugees are also often victimised due to dire living situations in refugee encampments.[18]

Health Impact of Human Trafficking[edit|edit source]

Red flags

  • Acute injuries: physical, psychological, emotional
  • Chronic medical problems/issues/concerns
  • Mental health issues
  • Reproductive/sexual health concerns
  • Impact on QoL, autonomy and independence

Identification and Assessment[edit|edit source]

  • Where are you most likely to interact with a trafficked person?
    • Clinical settings in which trafficked persons may be encountered.
    • 申请康复professionals
  • Identifying a trafficked person
    • the potential indicators of trafficking in persons
    • provider challenges to identification and response
    • challenges/opportunities when interfacing with trafficked persons
  • Interacting with a trafficked person
    • Patient-centered
    • the role of trauma-informed care in trust-building and Communication.
    • provides samples of appropriate language to assist with identification.
    • the importance of the use of professional interpreters
    • provides strategies to have private conversations with potential trafficked persons.
    • Survivor barriers to disclosure
  • Safety concerns
    • 采取措施保护自己和病人的安全。
    • describes the importance of appropriate documentation

Response and Follow Up[edit|edit source]


  • describes the importance of the healthcare provider role in intervention and response.
  • includes a discussion of the importance of organizational Protocols.
  • includes a discussion of mandated reporter obligations


  • describes the importance of survivor-centered, multidisciplinary referrals within the health care organization and with community partners.
  • includes a discussion on the importance of building a trusted local network of resources
  • includes a discussion of the implications of law enforcement involvement.


  • provides information on how to contact your community, local, and/or state resources.
  • National Human Trafficking Hotline number and text number along with any local hotlines.

Resources[edit|edit source]

References[edit|edit source]

  1. United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime. Human Trafficking. Available from: 22/April/2023).
  2. Department of State. Understanding Human Trafficking. Available from: 22/April/2023).
  3. Department of Health and Human Services. Fact Sheet: Human Trafficking. Available from: 22/April/2023).
  4. Law Insider.Commercial sex actdefinition. Available from: 22/April/2023).
  5. Wikipedia. Debt Bondage. Available from: 23/April/2023).
  6. Polaris Project. Trafficking vs. Smuggling: Understanding the Difference. Available from: 23/April/2023).
  7. Wikipedia. Involuntary Servitude. Available from: 23/April/2023).
  8. US Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Human Trafficking vs Human Smuggling. Available from: 23/April/2023).
  9. the Traffick. Sex Trafficking vs Sex Work: Understanding The Difference. Available from: 23/April/2023).
  10. CBC Radio-Canada。不要混淆性工作和性trafficking, advocates for workers say. Available from: 23/April/2023).
  11. the Traffick. Types of Exploitation. Available from: 23/April/2023).
  12. Nations Office of Drugs and Crime. The Crime. Available from: 23/April/2023).
  13. The Polaris Project. Love and Trafficking. Available from: 23/April/2023).
  14. Assembly UG. United Nations millennium declaration. United Nations General Assembly. 2000 Sep 8;156.
  15. AC.Trafficker profile according to US federal prosecutions. Anti-trafficking review. 2022 Apr 19(18):185-9.
  16. Department of Justice. What is Human Trafficking. Available from:,stable%2C%20safe%20housing%2C%20and%20limited(accessed 26/April/2023).
  17. of Homeland Security, Blue Campaign. What Is Human Trafficking?. Available from: 23/April.2023).
  18. Speed Training. Methods of Human Trafficking and Recruitment. Available from: 23/April/2023).