Whipple Test

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Original Editor-Anas Mohamed Top Contributors-Anas Mohamed,Kim JacksonandChelsea Mclene

Purpose[edit|edit source]

Whipple testis used to examine the partialrotator cuff tearsand or superior labrum tear[1].

Technique[edit|edit source]

Step1.Patient position standing or sitting.

Step2.Ask the patient to flex the arm 90 degree and adducted till the hand is opposite the other shoulder.

Step3.Therapist applies downward force while patient resist.

Step4.肩膀疼痛视为积极的迹象nd indicated as partial rotator cuff tear or superior labrum tear.


Evidence[edit|edit source]

In partial supraspinatus tendon tear whipple test shows sensitivity of 88.6% and a specificity of 29.4%. Which is less effective thanempty can testand full can test[3].

References[edit|edit source]

  1. David J. Magee. Orthopedic Physical Assessment. 6th edition. Elsevier. 2014.
  2. Whipple Test (CR). CRTechnologies. Available from:https://youtu.be/8YqGdwOluGo
  3. Ackmann T, Schneider KN, Schorn D, Rickert C, Gosheger G, Liem D.Comparison of efficacy of supraspinatus tendon tears diagnostic tests: a prospective study on the "full-can," the "empty-can," and the "Whipple" tests