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Thank you to our volunteers[edit|edit source]

Physiopedia is a successful knowledge-sharing platform because of the hard work and dedication of its volunteers. Qualified physiotherapists / physical therapists and students from around the world contribute to the evidence-based content of Physiopedia pages. Respected individuals from a variety of professions make up our Governance team. This is our opportunity to highlight the Physiopedia Team!

Governance Team[edit|edit source]

Management Team[edit|edit source]

Current Volunteers[edit|edit source]

Black Belt[edit|edit source]

  • Wendy Walker-Physical Activity Section Manager & Facial Palsy Section Manager

Brown Belt[edit|edit source]

红色的腰带[edit|edit source]

Purple Belt[edit|edit source]

Blue Belt[edit|edit source]

Green Belt[edit|edit source]

Orange Belt[edit|edit source]

Yellow Belt[edit|edit source]

Helpful Pages[edit|edit source]

For more information about volunteering, pleaseget in touch.