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Introduction[edit|edit source]

The aim of the rehabilitation is to aid the amputee to gain independence at the highest level they can, with the most efficient gait possible. The assessment must take into account the physical capabilities, level of amputation, psychological status, pre-amputation function, existing medical conditions and the patient’s expectations.Rehabilitation should begin 5 days post-surgery[1]. A crucial element of constructing a rehabilitation programme is sound gait analysis. This will largely be observational. Validated outcome measures are available to aid goal setting and measure function.

Gait analysis consists of observation of the gait, which should occur from all angles. Knowledge of normal gait patterns for the prosthetic and non-prosthetic user is required to help analysis of movement. On observation of the gait, the assessor compares the function of the amputee to expected patterns of gait and look for deviations[2]. Analysis of the gait pattern will help determine why these deviations are occurring. This will then help to formulate the rehabilitation programme, which includes the correction of the deviations. Outcomes measures can be used to monitor progress[2].

Amputees should perform pre-prosthetic exercises to help maintain ROM and improve muscle strength in the lower limb and residual limb in preparation for using the prosthetic limb. Abdominal and back exercises should also be considered to help trunk control and reduce back pain. Pre-prosthetic limb exercises can help prevent the occurrence of prosthetic gait deviations[3]

由于肢体的丧失,截肢者将汽车matically shift their centre of gravity over the foot of the non-prosthetic side. After an amputation, there will be a period of time where the amputee is without a prosthesis. This is due to the timeframe of the assessments required to decide if the provision of a limb is appropriate. During this period the amputee will become familiar with the shifted centre which will increase the difficulty of reorientation of the centre of gravity once they receive a prosthetic limb[3].

The authors of a systematic review study reviewed 18 manuscripts to evaluate the evidence on gait training interventions in patients with lower limb amputations, in order to guide both research and practice.[4]They found that gait training is needed due to improve asymmetry, change in biomechanics, and related secondary consequences after an amputation. Both overground and treadmill-based rehabilitation was included for review. Their results showed that the following interventions are effective in improving gait: overground training (with verbal, manual, or psychological awareness interventions), treadmill-based training both as a supplement to overground, as a home exercise, or on its own with visual feedback or with body weight support.[4]

下面的练习可以用于病人with either transtibial or transfemoral amputations and should be adapted as necessary, depending on the component. The prosthetic knee function could influence the exercises. If possible start with a locked knee or teach the patient to keep their centre of gravity on the prosthesis to keep it from bending when weight-bearing. Different prosthetic knees have different functions and specific ways to teach the patient. This page will give you the basics that can be used with every patient, with links at the bottom of the page to more specific rehab. You can also search on Google or YouTube for the specific company or prosthetic components information.

The Orientation of Centre of Gravity and Weight Bearing on the Prosthesis[edit|edit source]

Prosthetic training should include orientation of the centre of gravity and improve proprioception and weight bearing on the prosthetic side[3]. There are a number of technique/exercises which can be employed to facilitate the rehabilitation of this:

Lateral weight shifting[edit|edit source]

Stand between parallel bars with two-handed support. The amputee practices shifting the weight from the non-prosthetic limb to the prosthetic side. This can be performed with pelvis only initially and progress to full-body movement when the amputee becomes more confident. This exercise will help the patient to contract his/her gluteal muscles and contract the muscles of their residual limb to stabilize. Make sure that the patient is actively engaging the muscles especially when the amputation is above the knee where the patient might lean into the socket (Trendelenburg stance) instead of using gluteus medius. A pair of scales under the feet can help to determine the weight transference. Two-handed support can be reduced to one-handed (alternating hands to the contralateral side of the weight shift) and fingertip support, for progression[3][7].

All the exercises below can be done with a gait belt and it is important that the therapist focuses on the patient's safety and that all exercises are tailored to the patient's ability and fall risk.

Forward and back weight shifting[edit|edit source]

Weight transference can be practised forwards and backwards to help balance and orientation. The exercise is performed as for lateral weight shifting but the body weight is moved forwards and back. This can begin with pelvic movements only to build confidence and progress to entire body weight. Reduced hand support will be a progression of this exercise[3]. The patient should stand upright, with the feet hip-width apart and start by distributing their weight evenly between the two feet.

Stair/Stool stepping[edit|edit source]

Single leg stance on the prosthetic side can be improved by high stepping with the non-prosthetic side. With 2 handed support, the amputee steps the non-prosthetic limb onto a stool of approx. 4-8 inches. This exercise can be progressed by increasing the height of the step and/or reducing the hand support required, doing the movement slower, giving a bigger step on the sound side, and swinging the arms. The patient needs to actively engage the gluteals on the standing leg and avoid trunk side flexion. As the amputee becomes more confident and weight bearing improves the step of the non-prosthetic limb will be slower and more controlled[3].

Balance board[edit|edit source]

A balance board can be used to help weight bearing and balance where they shift body weight forward and back and laterally between the prosthetic and non-prosthetic side. This can be performed between parallel bars with 2 handed support and then progressed to 1 hand, no hands, movement of the arms, looking up and down, left and right, and catching and throwing a ball.[7].

Throwing and catching[edit|edit source]

Stood between parallel bars or with supervision, as required the amputee performs throwing and catching with the therapist. This encourages the amputee to adjust their weight bearing as they reach outside their base of support over the prosthetic and non-prosthetic limb. This exercise can be progressed by the non-prosthetic limb being placed on a step or balance cushion[7]. Make sure that the patient is safe. If the patient has a risk of falling make sure that they have a gait belt on and that someone is standing behind them.

Ball rolling[edit|edit source]

This exercise improves standing posture and balance. Start in the parallel bars and progress from there. The ball is placed under the sound limb, to work on muscle activation and weight bearing on the prosthetic side. Move forwards, backwards, sideways, and make circles. Progress by not holding on, increase the size of the ball, move faster, and change direction.

Single leg standing[edit|edit source]

Practice balancing on the prosthetic limb will help improve balance on that side. This can be performed with varying levels of hand support[3].

Kicking a ball[edit|edit source]

With or without hand support, standing on the prosthetic side, the amputee kicks a ball with the non-prosthetic leg to promote weight shift onto the prosthesis.

Single limb stand with Theraband[edit|edit source]

This exercise is done by tying the Theraband end around something sturdy and then around the prosthetic foot. Shift the weight to the sound foot and move the prosthetic side against the resistance of the band. Do it slow and controlled and in a straight line.

Gait Re-education[edit|edit source]

Specific gait re-education and facilitation is important during rehabilitation in order to ensure the correct biomechanics of gait are achieved. Recommendations are that gait re-education commences between parallel bars[3].

Walking aids[edit|edit source]

康复之间应该开始双杠。However, once the amputee becomes confident and a good gait pattern is achieved walking aids should be introduced to aid the progression of mobility and to encourage mobility in the amputee home environment. Aids should be provided to promote the maximum level of independence and encourage the amputee to be as full weight bearing as possible. The patient’s pre-amputation level of function, current abilities, level of progression, overall health and medical status should be considered when selecting and progressing walking aids[3][1].

Specific gait re-education[edit|edit source]

The gait cycle can be broken down and each segment practised with the amputee. With 2 handed support begin with heel strike of the non-prosthetic limb while weight bearing on the prosthetic side, encouraging correct foot placement. This is then practised with the opposite leg. Step by step progression of the gait should commence once heel strike is achieved. Forward weight transference onto and off the prosthetic limb to allow floor contact of the prosthetic foot and weight acceptance, without the swing through of the opposite leg, is the next step. This again is practised with both sides. Once this is satisfactory, swing through of the opposite leg can be practised when the leading foot/prosthesis is in stance. This process is followed with each step to help encourage a rhythmical, reciprocal gait pattern with appropriate weight shift. Regular proprioceptive facilitation to aid correct pelvic and trunk movements and help facilitate weight transference along with verbal feedback is used to reinforce correct movement[3][7].

Things to address during gait re-training.[19]

  1. Symmetrical width of walking base with weight transfer equal on sound and prosthetic limb
  2. Stride length - usually patients will take a shorter faster step with the sound limb
  3. Loading the prosthetic toe - dynamic weight bearing over the toe
  4. Transverse pelvic rotation on the prosthetic side -resistance can be applied the ASISto give feedback to the patient on what is required.
  5. Prosthetic knee flexion
  6. Trunk rotation and arm swing

Inthis videoProf Gailey discusses the above steps by referring to to the Rheo Prosthetic knee. These steps can be applied to any hydraulic or microprocessor type knee as well as to people with transtibial prosthetics.

Progressing from parallel bars to free walking[edit|edit source]

Sidestepping[edit|edit source]

This can be performed at any stage in the rehabilitation programme. The aim is to encourage lateral weight shifting and strengthen the abductors, The exercise can be performed with 2 hand support in the parallel bars and progress by the amputee moving around furniture/obstacles as a patient would in their own environment[3][7].

Backward walking[edit|edit source]

This activity is more difficult for transfemoral amputees than transtibial due to the lack of knee flexion of the prosthesis. However with practise the transfemoral amputee can perform this action with confidence. They will commonly need to plantarflex the ankle, come onto the toes, of on the non-prosthetic limb as they bring the prosthetic limb back[7].

Multidirectional changes[edit|edit source]

This will help improve prosthetic control and balance. Often changes in direction will prove difficult for amputees and practice will help improve mobility in more challenging environments such as crowded public places[1][7].

Tandem walking[edit|edit source]

This can help improve co-ordination, foot placement and weight bearing. A strip is placed on the floor. The exercise can be progressed through 3 stages

  1. Foot placement on each side of the line
  2. Foot placement heel toe along the line
  3. Foot placement crossing over onto opposite sides of the line- for the more advanced amputee[21][7].

Braiding[edit|edit source]

The amputee stands with 2 handed support and swings one leg across the front of the body and then behind. This is performed with both the prosthetic and non-prosthetic side. To advance this exercise the amputee performs this action with more speed meaning they must adjust their weight bearing and balance to compensate for the speed of the movement[7].

Obstacle stepping[edit|edit source]

Between parallel bars or with supervision, the action of stepping over obstacles leading with the non-prosthetic limb can help encourage weight bearing on the prosthesis[7].

Functional Tasks[edit|edit source]

In addition to specific weight bearing and gait training, prosthetic rehabilitation should also include practice of more functional tasks of daily living. These should be centred on the patient’s individual goals[1].

Standing up from the floor[edit|edit source]

Stairs[edit|edit source]

The technique for performing stairs is the same for above and below knee amputees. Leading with the non-prosthetic limb ascending the stairs and descending with the prosthetic limb first. This can be progressed from 2 handed to non handed support, dependent on the ability of the amputee. Walking aids can also be used to help amputees manage stairs.[3][7]. Some prosthetic knees (hydraulic and microprocessor) allows step over step descending stairs by giving resistance during flexion, see the videos below on how to train this

Slopes/hills[edit|edit source]

Walking up and down slopes can be difficult for amputee patients. Often forward trunk flexion is required and shorted stride lengths. Some amputees will find it easiest ascending and descending slopes through side stepping. Aids and rails can aid with slopes. The same techniques in terms of stepping are applied to slopes as it is for stairs[3]. Some prosthetic knees (hydraulic and microprocessor) allows a smooth step over step ramp descend by giving resistance during flexion.

Curb[edit|edit source]

The limb sequence applied to walking up and down stairs can be adopted for curbs. Walking aids are useful for assisting with curbs, however more advanced amputee will manage without. Balance and good single limb support is necessary for this. For the more advanced transtibial amputee the prosthetic limb can also be used to ascend curb and control descent[21][7].

Weight carrying[edit|edit source]

Practise walking with a weight on the prosthetic side or with objects in the hand. This may require a walking aid dependent on the patient’s ability[3].

Uneven surfaces[edit|edit source]

Walking over various terrains helps improve awareness and proprioception. It encourages the amputee to make use of their vision to compensate for the reduced proprioception on the prosthetic side.

Running[edit|edit source]

对于高级截肢者可以运行incorporated into the rehabilitation programme and can help amputees to increase participation in recreational activities[3].

Here is a link to the5 steps of running for retraining for someone with a prosthesis, written by Prof Gailey.

Playlists of Training Videos[edit|edit source]

Additional Resources[edit|edit source]

Exercises for Prosthetic Rehabilitation (ICRC)

References[edit|edit source]

  1. association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Amputee Rehabilitation.Evidenced Based Clinical Guidelines for the Physiotherapy Management of Adults with Lower limb Prosthesis. CSP Clinical Guideline 03. November 2012
  2. 2.02.1Australian Physiotherapists in Amputee Rehabilitationhttp://austpar.com(accessed 7 February 2015)
  3. R,S and Curtis R, C. Physical Therapy Management of Adult Lower-Limb Amputees. Atlas of Limb Prosthetics; Surgical Prosthetic and Rehabilitation Principles. Chapter 23. Abridged version. O and P Virtual Libraryhttp://www.oandplibrary.org/alp/chap23-01.asp(accessed 5 February 2015)
  4. 4.04.1Highsmith MJ, Andrews CR, Millman C, Fuller A, Kahle JT, Klenow TD, Lewis KL, Bradley RC, Orriola JJ.Gait training interventions for lower extremity amputees: a systematic literature review. Technology and innovation. 2016 Sep;18(2-3):99. doi:10.21300/18.2-3.2016.99.
  5. ottobock. Prosthetic gait training - Stability before mobility | Ottobock. Dec 2010. Available from:https://youtu.be/uhDZflZjmTk
  6. ottobock. Prosthetic gait training - Improvement of core stability and stance phase | Ottobock. Dec 2018. Available from:https://youtu.be/dncKGTvBWXY
  7. Committee of the Red Cross. Exercises for Lower Limb Amputees Gait Training.https://www.icrc.org/eng/assets/files/other/icrc_002_0936.pdf(accessed 7 February 2015)
  8. Össur Academy. Flex-Foot Exercise - Side to Side. Feb 2015. Available from:https://youtu.be/bRHDHmsvLc0
  9. Össur. Left-Right Shift - RHEO KNEE Exercise - LogicApp - LogicApp. Feb 2018. Available from:https://youtu.be/cPrAfkc9Ei0
  10. Össur. Forwards-Backwards Shift - RHEO KNEE Exercise - LogicApp. Feb 2018. Available from:https://youtu.be/0tsQ9ENanME
  11. Mission Gait. Balance Exercises for Amputees (Proprioception). May 2019. Available from:https://youtu.be/PyGqb_0r8jQ
  12. Össur Academy. Flex-Foot Exercise - Stepping up. Feb 2015. Available from:https://youtu.be/Y5zD-mqb50E
  13. 이재백. Gailey and stair stepping. Feb 2014. Available from:https://youtu.be/oCAcVtyQfkg
  14. Ryan Gibbons. BK amputee on balance board. May 2010. Available from:https://youtu.be/BXglbqJLUAI
  15. jsphysio. Amputee Physiotherapy. April 2010. Available from:https://youtu.be/o5xL7f_5_JU
  16. AmputeeCoalition. Amputees' Balance - Getting Started: The Ball-Rolling Exercise. Sep 2015. Available from:https://youtu.be/EfxYSYeCtGM
  17. Össur Academy. Flex-Foot Exercise - Theraband Movements. Feb 2015. Available from:https://youtu.be/UdLft-c2ua4
  18. Mission Gait. Learning to Walk for Amputees - "1-2-3 Step Cockroach". May 2019. Available from:https://youtu.be/yyDGF3AbhLw
  19. Prof Gailey. Össur Academy.RHEO KNEE - Gait Training. Jan 2014https://youtu.be/HZOFaukYoT4
  20. Ottobock Professionals. Prosthetic Gait Training From the parallel bars to free walking. May 2018. Available from:https://youtu.be/PSVSSxhCVxk
  21. 21.021.1Kishner's Gait Analysis after Amputation updated July 2013http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1237638-overview(accessed 3 February 2015)
  22. Össur Academy. Flex-Foot Exercise - Extra Exercises. Feb 2015. Available from:https://youtu.be/5t4mshKeOiQ
  23. AmputeeCoalition. Amputees' Balance - Taking It to the Next Level: The Cup-Walking Exercise. Sep 2015. Available from:https://youtu.be/eXZF_fXdcJQ
  24. ottobock. Prosthetic gait training - Outdoor Training | Ottobock. Dec 2018. Available from:https://youtu.be/EH-yslmhQDQ
  25. Dream Team Prosthetics LLC. Bilateral Above Knee Training: Floor Techniques. May 2019. Available from:https://youtu.be/E2_DLjfS9iE
  26. ottobock. Prosthetic gait training - Getting to the floor and up | Ottobock. Dec 2018. Available from:https://youtu.be/PS8HLdmkNOE
  27. AmputeeOT. AmputeeOT: Stairs and Above Knee Amputees. Aug 2014. Available from:https://youtu.be/YBIpD4FYbYs
  28. ottobock. Prosthetic gait training - Walking downstairs (2) | Ottobock. Dec 2011. Available from:https://youtu.be/qnXuNVbVhtI
  29. Ottobock North America. Prosthetic gait training - Walking downstairs (1) | Ottobock. Dec 2018. Available from:https://youtu.be/qtnRiykjnZA
  30. No Legs Nate. Walking Down Stairs Without Legs! Jun 2019. Available from:https://youtu.be/FBi1UYtZL9k
  31. ottobock. Kenevo - Semi-locked knee - Walking on ramps: Aug 2016. Available from:https://youtu.be/cJaO3ttNeSk
  32. ottobock. Prosthetic gait training - Walking technique on flat slopes | Ottobock. Dec 2018. Available from:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8C-QYSyCHI
  33. ottobock. Prosthetic gait training - Walking technique on slopes: Advanced exercise | Ottobock. Dec 2018. Available from:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8iRYDxbmS8
  34. Bulow Orthotic and Prosthetic Solutions. Running on a Prosthesis. Nov 2014. Available from:https://youtu.be/FMSvTjGI1lU