Blackburn Exercises

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Original Editor-Shreya Pavaskar

Top Contributors-Shreya Pavaskar

Description[edit|edit source]

Blackburn et. al designed an exercise protocol for Scapular dyskinesia. They are designed to strengthen Scapular stabilizers and RC cuff.[1]It has been used widely ever since.

All positions require resting of forehead with relaxation of neck muscles with no shrugging of upper trapezius.

  1. Prone Extension "I" - Prone with palm facing upwards, arms extended and lift parallel to the thorax while keeping your shoulders retracted.
  2. Prone Extension "Y" - Prone with palm facing upwards, shoulder abducted to 110° to the thorax while keeping your shoulders retracted but arms to the side but slightly forward by about 30˚ compared to horizontal abduction (most effective for infraspinatus )[2]
  3. Prone Extension "T" - Prone with the elbow extended and the shoulder abducted to 90° and externally rotated with thumb facing upwards(most effective for supraspinatus and middle trapezius)[3]
  4. Prone Extension "T" - Prone with the elbow extended and the shoulder abducted to 90° and externally rotated with thumb facing downwards(most effective for rhomboids)
  5. Prone Extension "Y" - Prone with the elbow extended and the shoulder abducted to 110° and externally rotated with thumb facing downwards (most effective for rhomboids)
  6. Prone Horizontal External Rotation - Prone with arms abducted horizontal to side and elbows bent 90˚ pointing down with arms rotated externally so that forearms come parallel to ground point forward

Relevant anatomy[edit|edit source]

Scapula Posterior view.png
Thescapulais a thin, flat triangular-shapedboneplaced on the postero-lateral aspect of thethoraciccage.SICK” Scapula Syndromerefers toScapular胎位不正,Inferior medial border prominence,Coracoid疼痛和malposition and DysKinesis of scapular movement. With the help of surrounding joints and soft tissues, the scapula helps in smooth and efficient movement of theshoulder.

Indications[edit|edit source]

SICK” Scapula Syndrome

Kyphotic posture

Progression[edit|edit source]

As strength and endurance increase, can add small weights/water bottles to hands.

It can be progressed from prone to standing using therabands.

  1. Higgins M. Therapeutic exercise: From theory to practice. FA Davis; 2011 Apr 19.
  2. Otis JC, Jiang CC, Wickiewicz TL, Peterson MG, Warren RF, Santner TJ. Changes in the moment arms of the rotator cuff and deltoid muscles with abduction and rotation. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 76: 667-676,1994.
  3. Malanga GA, Jenp YN, Growney ES, An KN. EMG analysis of shoulder positioning in testing and strengthening the supraspinatus. Medicine and science in sports and exercise. 1996 Jun 1;28(6):661-4.