Shower and Toilet Chairs

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Original Editor-Robin Tacchetti基于课程Dana Mather
Top Contributors-Robin TacchettiandJess Bell

Introduction[edit|edit source]

Mobility is an essential component of many activities of daily living (ADL). Bathroom tasks such as toileting and showering can become difficult when mobility is limited. Research shows that older adults ranked showering as the most difficult ADL, with toileting the third most difficult.[1]People with disabilities and health care practitioners also report that independent toileting is essential to avoid feelings associated with a loss of self-esteem.[1]

Assistive technology bathroom adaptations can help individuals who experience difficulty with toileting and showering. Examples of assistive technology for personal hygiene and toileting include grab bars, nonslip mats, bath transfer benches and raised toilet seats.[1][2]Using assistive devices can increase independence, physical stability, confidence and safety.[1][2][3]In addition, assistive technology can ease the load on caregivers and health care workers.[3]

Shower and Toilet Chairs[edit|edit source]

Many individuals across the lifespan, from children to adults and older adults, may benefit from a shower or toilet chair, including those with the following:[4]

  • Difficulty standing or cannot stand
  • Gets dizzy or tired during shower time
  • At risk for falls or afraid of falling
  • Difficulty sitting down and standing up and/or squatting

Shower Chairs[edit|edit source]

Shower chair

Shower stools and chairs are useful for individuals who need to sit down while washing because of limited balance, strength or mobility. A shower stool or chair should:[4]

  • Be able to carry the weight of the user
  • Have brakes if they have wheels and rubber stoppers if they have legs
  • Be rust resistant
  • Be water resistant
  • Be durable and strong
  • Have a smooth finish

Optional features include:[4]

  • Padding on the seat
  • Armrests and backrests
  • Castor wheels with brakes

Toilet Chair[edit|edit source]

A raised toilet chair is helpful for individuals who have difficulty squatting or bending. They are typically placed over the existing toilet. A raised toilet chair should:[4]

Raised toilet chair
  • Be able to carry the weight of the user
  • 腿高度可调
  • Have brakes if they have wheels and rubber stoppers if they have legs
  • Be rust resistant
  • Be water resistant
  • Be durable and strong
  • Have a smooth finish

Optional features include:[4]

  • Padding on seat and armrests
  • Height adjustable armrests
  • Height adjustable and swing away footrests
  • Backrest with padding
  • A removable bucket
  • Castor wheels that swivel or turn

Pressure Ulcers[edit|edit source]

Before fitting someone with a shower or toilet chair, ensure they do not currently have or are at risk for apressure ulcer.If an individual has a current wound that would contact the chair, they should avoid using this assistive device until the wound is fully healed. Individuals at risk for a pressure ulcer include:

  • Someone who has had a previous wound
  • Someone with decreased sensation in their thighs, back or buttocks
  • Someone who cannot easily shift their weight
  • Frail or thin individuals

At risk individuals should use a chair with a padded surface.[4]

Resources[edit|edit source]

References[edit|edit source]

  1. I, Torres G, Seoane-Bouzas M, Ávila A.Exploring the use of assistive products to promote functional independence in self-care activities in the bathroom. Plos one. 2019 Apr 8;14(4):e0215002.
  2. 2.02.1Guay M, Latulippe K, Auger C, Giroux D, Séguin-Tremblay N, Gauthier J, Genest C, Morales E, Vincent C.Self-selection of bathroom-assistive technology: development of an electronic decision support system(Hygiene 2.0). Journal of medical internet research. 2020 Aug 10;22(8):e16175.
  3. 3.03.1Meng H, Peterson LJ, Feng L, Dobbs D, Hyer K.The Use of Mobility Devices and Personal Assistance: A Joint Modeling Approach. Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine. 2019 Oct;5:2333721419885291.
  4. Health Organization. Training in Assistive Products (TAP). 2020. Available from