Thoracic Back Pain Red Flags

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Original Editor-Lucinda hamptonandKim Jackson


Thoracic back pain is more likely to be caused by serious underlying pathology than neck or low back pain.

  • 胸脊柱疼痛通常具有与姿势不良或过度损伤有关的肌肉骨骼起源。


  • Thoracic spine pain and visceral pain can mimic the other due to the shared afferent innervation of the ANS sympathetics, which originate from T1-L2 afferents from the spinal cord.[2]
  • 段T4-T7有可能引起假疼痛以及咳嗽,打喷嚏,深呼吸,躯干运动,触诊和压缩产生的症状[3](心脏手术,R上的图像)



  • Recent violent trauma (such as a vehicle accident or fall from a height).
  • Minor trauma, or even just strenuous lifting, in people with National-cancer-institute-0YBIMOqQzt0-unsplash.jpg“src=
的历史Other Potential Red Flags[[|这是给予的


Cardiac Ischemia 解剖胸部动脉瘤 消化性溃疡 Cholecystitis Renal Infection and Kidney Stones
- MI的CAD危险因素病史

-Angina - Nausea

-Sudden, severe and unrelenting chest pain that can radiate to the upper back.

- 裁员不悬而未决。

- 从上腹区到中部胸椎疼痛。触发或搭配饭菜。

- NSAID使用的历史。- 穿孔性溃疡可以将疼痛引用到隔膜刺激下。

- 右上象限和肩cap骨疼痛。发烧,恶心和呕吐。脂肪饭后1-2小时。 -Renal colic/flank pain.

——发烧、恶心和呕吐。- - - - - - fo风险增加r kidney infection with ongoing UTI.

Fracture 肿瘤条件 Inflammatory Disorders 炎症或全身性疾病
- 创伤:钝性创伤或受伤。

- 压缩性骨折:高加索种族,吸烟史,更年期,身体衰弱,久坐的生活方式,类固醇治疗以及咖啡因或酒精的过度消费。- 男性或女性> 60岁的男性或女性的急性胸痛疼痛。

- 年龄超过50岁。

-Previous history of cancer. - Unexplained weight loss. - Constant pain, no relief with bed rest. - Night pain.

- 强直性脊柱炎:胸部膨胀有限,在乳头线上测得的<2.5 cm。

-Sacroilitis. - Morning pain and stiffness. - Peripheral joint involvemnt. - HLA-B27

- 温度> 100°

-Blood Pressure >160/95mmHg - Resting Pulse > 100 bpm. - Resting Respiration > 25 bpm. - Fatigue. - Osteomyelitis, diskitis, epidural infection, pericarditis.

Concluding Remarks[[|这是给予的





  1. 1。01。1BNA Surg.volume 2版1 2015年冬季初级保健环境中胸椎疼痛的评估和管理可从:上次访问17.5.2020)
  2. Benhamou CL,Roux C,Tourliere D,Gervais T,Viala JF,Amor B. Pseudovisceral疼痛来自Costoverdebral Chranthropathies。二十八个案件。脊柱(Phila PA 1976)1993年5月; 18(6):790-795
  3. Hamberg J, Lindahl O. Angina pectoris symptoms caused by thoracic spine disorders. Clinical examination and treatment. Acta Med Scand Suppl 1981;644:84-86
  4. Patient Thoracic背疼可从:上次访问16.5.2020)
  5. Newsome RJ, Reddington M, Breakwell LM, Chiverton N, Cole AA, Michael AL.胸椎疼痛:引起关注的原因?对出现胸部脊柱疼痛的患者的回顾性回顾。Inorthopaedic会议录2012年6月(第94卷,编号Supp_xxvi,第60-60页)。英国骨与联合外科社论学会。可从:上次访问17.5.2020)