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世界卫生组织将青少年定义为“10 - 19岁的年轻人” WHO .int。WHO |青少年健康[互联网]。2015[引自2015年1月9日]。可从:http://www.who.int/topics/adolescent_health/en/获得。联合国人口基金会(unpa.org)将人分为青春期早期(10-14岁)到青春期晚期(15-19岁)。联合国人口基金-联合国人口基金|《2003年世界人口状况》[互联网]。2003年[引自2015年1月12日]。可从:http://www.unfpa.org/publications/state-world-population-2003. 据报道,青少年腰痛与成年人一样普遍Jones G, Macfarlane G.儿童和青少年腰痛的流行病学。儿童疾病档案,2005;90(3):312-316。Burton A, Clarke R, McClune T, Tillotson K. The Natural History of Low Back Pain in Adolescents. Spine. 1996;21(20):2323-2328.Harreby M, Neergaard K, Hesselsôe G, Kjer J. Are Radiologic Changes in the Thoracic and Lumbar Spine of Adolescents Risk Factors for Low Back Pain in Adults?. Spine. 1995;20(21):2298-2302. and has been attributed to a number of factors such as gender Grimmer K, Nyland L, Milanese S. Longitudinal investigation of low back pain in Australian adolescents: a five-year study. Physiother Res Int. 2006;11(3):161-172., age Jeffries L, Milanese S, Grimmer-Somers K. Epidemiology of Adolescent Spinal Pain. Spine. 2007;32(23):2630-2637., sitting for long periods Grimmer K, Williams M. Gender-age environmental associates of adolescent low back pain. Applied Ergonomics. 2000;31(4):343-360., working at computers Hakala P, Rimpela A, Saarni L, Salminen J. Frequent computer-related activities increase the risk of neck-shoulder and low back pain in adolescents. The European Journal of Public Health. 2005;16(5):536-541., school seating Troussiere B, Tesniere C, Fauconnier J, Grison J, Juvin R, Phelip X. Comparative study of two different kinds of school furniture among children. Ergonomics. 1999;42(3):516-526. and psychological factors Astfalck R, O'Sullivan P, Straker L, Smith A. A detailed characterisation of pain, disability, physical and psychological features of a small group of adolescents with non-specific chronic low back pain. Manual Therapy. 2010;15(3):240-247..''''''

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