


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:腕管综合征(Carpal tunnel syndrome, CTS)是一种“神经压迫”,是由于[[正中神经|正中神经]]穿过腕管时受到压迫而引起的。隧道内正常组织压力约为3- 7mmhg, CTS可导致压力大于30mmhg。[文件:Carpal tunnel Syndrome.png|300x300px|图1正中神经受压。【右】无框】]*是最常见的神经卡压[[神经病|神经病]],占所有神经病的90%。腕管综合征的早期症状包括疼痛、麻木和感觉异常。手部正中神经分布的感觉改变和感觉异常。*症状通常出现在拇指、食指、中指和无名指桡侧(拇指侧),但有一定的可变性。疼痛也会扩散到受影响的手臂。辐射至上肢、肩部和颈部。随着病情进一步恶化,可出现夜痛、手部无力、精细运动协调能力下降、握力下降、笨拙、手腕活动能力下降和鱼际萎缩。 [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK448179/ Carpal Tunnel Syndrome] Justin O. Sevy; Matthew Varacallo. Last Update: December 21, 2019. Available from:https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK448179/ (last accessed 22.3.2020) Patients can be diagnosed quickly and respond well to treatment but the best means of integrating clinical, functional, and anatomical information for selecting treatment choices have not yet been identified.Padua L, Coraci D, Erra C, Pazzaglia C, Paolasso I, Loreti C, Caliandro P, Hobson-Webb LD. Carpal tunnel syndrome: clinical features, diagnosis, and management. The Lancet Neurology. 2016 Nov 1;15(12):1273-84.Chammas M, Boretto J, Burmann LM, Ramos RM, Neto FCS, Silva JB. Carpal tunnel syndrome – part 1 (anatomy, physiology, etiology and diagnosis). Revista brasileira de Ortopedia (English edition) 2014 September-October; 49 (5):429-436.

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