


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:====术后====手术当天开始,缩短住院时间,减轻疼痛,改善功能。*术后康复的目的:满足患者的功能需求(如开始活动),提高活动能力、力量、柔韧性和减轻疼痛。,。这开始是一个辅助过程,但目的是让病人在出院前尽可能地恢复功能。*由于潜在的术前病理,患者可能出现肌肉萎缩和力量丧失,特别是在臀中肌和股四头肌。丧失体力的结果是老年人的独立性较差。运动意象训练,已被发现是一种有用的辅助治疗工具,因为它可以提高与患者身体能力相关的特定和一般适应性,当添加到常规物理治疗的必然结果中时。Paravlic AH, Pisot R, Marusic U.全膝关节置换术康复中肌肉力量的运动想象练习后的特定和一般适应:一项随机对照试验。 PloS one. 2019;14(8). * No specific general hip replacement protocol is currently in use, as small elements of the rehabilitation process are surgeon specific. For example, in some enhanced recovery after surgery protocols, patients are mobilised out of bed within the first 6 hours post-surgery. Other settings may only start mobilizing patients out of bed on day 1 or 2 post-surgery. Accelerated rehabilitation programmes and early mobilization have shown to give patients more confidence in their post-operative mobilization and activities of daily living, as well as being more comfortable with earlier discharge.Robertson NB, Warganich T, Ghazarossian J, Khatod M. [https://www.hindawi.com/journals/aos/2015/387197/ Implementation of an accelerated rehabilitation protocol for total joint arthroplasty in the managed care setting: the experience of one institution.] Advances in Orthopedic Surgery. 2015;387197.

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