


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:基于证据的物理治疗管理==由于哮喘的高患病率和相关的医疗保健费用,确定传统药物治疗的低成本替代方案非常重要。其中一种低成本的替代方法是使用吸气肌训练(IMT),这是一种旨在增加膈肌和呼吸副肌的力量和耐力的技术。IMT通常包括在休息时对整个生命容量范围内的电阻性负荷进行自愿吸气。在健康个体中,IMT最显著的益处是膈膜厚度和强度的增加,用力性呼吸困难的减少和呼吸耗氧量的减少。IMT已被证明可以减轻哮喘患者的呼吸困难,增加吸气肌力量,提高运动能力。[参考]谢仁杰,亨特·l·r·帕里斯,丹尼尔·p·威尔怀特,罗伯特·f·查普曼和蒂莫西·d·米克尔伯勒。吸气肌训练在哮喘和运动性支气管收缩治疗中的作用。内科与运动医学(2016);[44] 4,327-334, Vera et al.(2012)在系统综述中发现,运动可引起哮喘患儿呼吸困难等哮喘症状。运动性支气管收缩(EIB)在40-90%的哮喘患儿中普遍存在。结论是体育锻炼是安全的,可以推荐给患有哮喘的儿童。 A training programme should have a minimum duration of 3 months, with at least two 60 min training sessions per week, and a training intensity set at the (personalised) ventilatory threshold.Wanrooij VH, Willeboordse M, Dompeling E, Kim D van de Kant. Exercise training in children with asthma: a systematic review. Br J Sports Med 2014;48:1024-1031 Another systematic review by Cristina et al (2018) demonstrated that aerobic physical exercise may improve nocturnal asthma in children and adults by reducing the prevalence and frequency of nocturnal symptoms.Cristina de Oliveira Francisco, Swati Anil, W. Darlene Reid, Azadeh Y. Effects of physical exercise training on nocturnal symptoms in asthma: Systematic review. PLoS One. 2018; 13(10): e0204953 A study protocol will provide the effectiveness of physiotherapy on the quality of life of children with asthmaZhang W, Liu L, Yang W, Liu H. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31261560 Effectiveness of physiotherapy on quality of life in children with asthma: Study protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis]. Medicine. 2019 Jun;98(26)..

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