


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:体检可包括感觉和运动缺陷的检查以及足底萎缩的证据。有几种具有不同程度灵敏度和特异性的特殊试验。“*其中最好的包括[[腕压试验|腕压试验]]。这是通过在腕管上直接施加压力30秒来完成的。当感觉异常、疼痛或其他症状重现时,该试验呈阳性。*方号检验是一种评估患腕管综合征风险的方法。如果腕部的厚度与腕部的宽度之比大于0.7,则为阳性。*另一个测试是触诊诊断。在这个测试中,医疗保健提供者检查正中神经上的软组织是否有机械限制。*法伦氏试验(Phalen’s Test)或“反向祈祷”试验是通过让患者将双手背侧放置一分钟来完全弯曲手腕来进行的。 A positive test is when symptoms (numbness, tingling, pain) are reproduced. * The reverse Phalen's, or ‘prayer test,’ is done by having the patient extend both of their wrists by placing palmar surfaces of both hands together for 1 minute (as if praying). Again a positive test is with reproduction of symptoms. * Although a low sensitivity and specificity, the Hoffmann-Tinel sign is another test commonly performed. In this test the healthcare professional taps immediately over the carpal tunnel to stimulate the median nerve. Like the above tests, a positive test is when symptoms are reproduced. * The [[Scratch Collapse Test|'Scratch Collapse Test' (SCT)]] has emerged as a new provocative test to assist in the localisation of peripheral nerve compression. '''[[CPR for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome|Clinical prediction rules]]''' [[CPR for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome|(CPR),]] specifically for the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, are a reliable examination method.

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