


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:===阻力训练===阻力训练(RT)是“通过使肌肉对抗重量或力量来增加肌肉力量”Shrestha M.力量训练[互联网]。Physiopedia。来源:[[力量训练|//m.houseofhawgs.com/Strength_Training]],是另一种帮助改善和减轻PCOS症状的有效方法。放射疗法已被证明可以降低睾丸激素水平、腰围和提高身体机能。Ramos F, Lara L, Kogure G, Silva R, Ferriani R, Silva de s M,等。抗阻运动训练后多囊卵巢综合征妇女的生活质量。巴西妇科研究进展Obstetrícia / RBGO妇产科。2016年7月29日;38(07):340-7。此外,研究发现RT还可以帮助改善“月经周期、Ferriman-Gallwey评分(用于多毛症评分)、睾酮、DHEA-S、性激素结合球蛋白水平和游离雄激素指数评分”。[参考文献]李建平,李建平,李建平。有组织的锻炼计划在多囊卵巢综合征中的作用:一项系统综述。物理治疗评论。2023年1月5日;1-11。所有这些激素都是多囊卵巢综合征病理生理的一部分。 By improving the hormonal level, RT is helping to address some of the hormonal imbalance caused by PCOS and can improve symptoms and overall health. A general recommendation for resistance training for women with PCOS includes training 2-3 days per week for 30-60 minutes per session. “Loading for strength training should be between 8 and 15 repetitions with a 1RM percentage between 60% and 85%.”Cormier T. Resistance Training for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. ACSM’S Health & Fitness Journal. 2022 Mar;26(2):61–2. Shrestha et al., n.d. Physiopedia article discusses how you can find your 1RM. Exercises can include dumbbells, barbells, thera-bands, weighted pulley machines, and body weight. Full-body exercises can be squats, pushups, and burpees, while isolated body parts exercises include biceps, triceps, or hamstring curls and single leg raises. Depending on the resources available, a variety of RT exercises can be done. A physical therapist can help assess and evaluate the specific needs of each individual and can create a treatment plan that involves resistance training to help manage PCOS.

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