


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:====水疗法和水疗====最近的研究已经证明[[水疗法|水疗法]]对FMS疼痛患者来说是一种更能忍受的锻炼。水的浮力使患者能够保持积极的运动,而不会对关节施加过多的能量和/或增加压力。此外,有证据表明,水生疗法和水疗法有助于改善FMS患者的长期生活质量。[参考文献]Wolfe F . Rasker J.症状强度量表、纤维肌痛和纤维肌痛样症状的意义。风湿病学杂志[在线连载]。2006年11月,33(11):2291 - 2299。可从:CINAHL,伊普斯维奇,马萨诸塞州。2017年4月2日发布。Wolfe F, claw D, Yunus M,等。美国风湿病学会纤维肌痛的初步诊断标准和症状严重程度的测量。关节炎护理与研究[连载在线]。 May 2010;62(5):600-610. Available from: MEDLINE, Ipswich, MA. Accessed April 2, 2017. The underlying symptom(s) of fibromyalgia, central hypersensitivity and pain, may be alleviated by the hydrostatic pressure and the effects of soothing temperature on the nerve endings, along with general muscle relaxation

Ideal pool temperature for aquatic therapy sessions are between 84o F and 90o F *82o F and 84o F for the general population *90o F and 94o F for people with arthritic conditions
An exercise-education program showed a small significant improvement in health status in patients with fibromyalgia and chronic widespread pain, compared with education only. Patients with milder symptoms improved most with this treatment. Moreover, it has been shown that thermal mud baths (and other balneotherapy methods) increase plasma levels of beta-endorphins, thus explaining their analgesic and anti-spastic effects, which is particularly important in patients with FMS.

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