


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:===其他类型的管理=== ====职业治疗====治疗侧重于活动调整原则,例如以适度的速度工作,频繁的位置/姿势变化,在疲劳开始前休息。鼓励患者将调节原则纳入生活的各个领域,包括自我护理、工作和休闲。适当的身体力学和姿势相关的家庭管理和工作活动进行评估和调整每个人。张建军,张建军,张建军,张建军。纤维肌痛影响量表(FIQR)的研究进展。关节炎研究与治疗[连载在线]。2009; 11 (4): R120。可从:MEDLINE,伊普斯维奇,马萨诸塞州。2017年4月2日发布。 ====认知行为治疗==== Moseley进行的研究支持疼痛关联和信念与身体表现之间的关系。有证据支持在慢性疼痛患者的评估和护理计划中考虑实施认知行为疗法(CBT)。 Growing evidence continues to demonstrate that CBT shows improvement in reports of pain, reduces hyperalgesia, and chronic pain-related brain response in FMS.
One study found that behavioral insomnia therapy for patients with FMS may have a promising impact. The study incorporated patient education on sleeping habits and proper sleeping schedules to reduce the bouts of insomnia experienced by those with fibromyalgia. The researchers concluded that patients who received the behavioral therapy experienced improvement in how long they slept and in their general condition compared to other groupsKorszun A. Sleep and circadian rhythm disorders in fibromyalgia. Current Rheumatology Reports [serial online]. April 2000;2(2):124-130. Available from: MEDLINE, Ipswich, MA. Accessed April 2, 2017..Moseley GL. Widespread brain activity during an abdominal task markedly reduced after pain physiology education: fMRI evaluation of a single patient with chronic low back pain. Aust J Physiother. 2005;51:49–52.Meeus M,Nijs J,VanOosterwijck J,etal.Painphysiologyeducation improvespainbeliefsinpatientswithchronicfatiguesyndromecompared topacingandself-managementeducation:adouble-blindrandomised controlledtrial.ArchPhys MedRehabil.2010;91:1153–1159. ==== Emotional Awareness and Expression Therapy ==== A group intervention focusing of emotional awareness and expression of emotions was found to be more effective than cognitive behavioral therapy in reducing pain for up to 6 months.Lumley MA, Schubiner H, Lockhart NA, Kidwell KM, Harte SE, Clauw DJ, Williams DA. [https://insights.ovid.com/pubmed?pmid=28796118 Emotional awareness and expression therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and education for fibromyalgia: a cluster-randomized controlled trial.] Pain. 2017 Dec 1;158(12):2354-63. ==== Chiropractic care & Massage ==== There is no evidence to support chiropractic care nor therapeutic massage are effective in pain management. ==== Acupuncture ==== While many patients explore this option for relief of pain and fatigue, acupuncture techniques have weak evidence to support their effectiveness in current literature. ==== Alternative/Holistic Management ==== No evidence to support alternative/holistic management.

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