


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:淋巴水肿是一种进行性疾病,早期诊断和治疗至关重要。*对于诊断和治疗轻度和早期发病病例以阻止这种终生且经常使人衰弱的疾病的进展至关重要。*为了提高患者的知识基础,学习有用的循证管理和应对策略,患者必须转诊到持有淋巴水肿治疗和管理证书的专家处。内科医生、职业治疗师或物理治疗师。" 治疗方法: " ' *[[完全减充血性淋巴水肿疗法(CDT)|减充血性淋巴水肿疗法]](DLT):是中重度淋巴水肿的主要治疗方法,可调动淋巴和消散纤维硬化组织。*[[手工淋巴引流术|手工淋巴引流术]](MLD):轻度淋巴按摩旨在增加淋巴流动*压迫:有助于引流,但会增加感染的风险*护肤:细致的皮肤护理是预防继发性皮肤感染的必要条件*[[治疗性运动|运动]]:轻度运动促进淋巴引流和通过肌肉收缩吸收蛋白质。*间歇性气动压缩装置(IPCD):它可以与DLT结合使用,特别是在行动不便或体育锻炼的患者中。Tran K, Argáez C. [https://europepmc.org/article/nbk/nbk487690间歇性气动压缩装置治疗淋巴水肿:临床疗效和指南综述][Internet]。渥太华(ON):加拿大卫生药品和技术署;2017年5月12日 PMID: 29553689. * see also [[The Role of the Physiotherapist in Palliative Care for People With Lymphoedema]] '''Drug therapy''': * Adjunctive only for pain control or secondary infection '''Surgery :''' * Debulking is often ineffective '''Microsurgical techniques:''' * Vascularized Lymph Node Transfer (VLNT) * Lymphaticovenous Anastomoses (LVA): VLNT and LVA are microsurgical procedures that can improve the patient's physiologic drainage of the lymphatic fluid and eliminate the need for compression garments in some patient. These procedures have better results when performed when a patient's lymphatic system has less damage. * Suction-Assisted Protein Lipectomy (SAPL): Is more effective in later stages of lymphedema and allow removal of lymphatic solids and fatty deposits that are poor candidates for conservative lymphoedema therapy, or VLNT or LVA surgeries

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