


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:===视网膜偏头痛===视网膜偏头痛是与偏头痛相关的单眼视力障碍的反复发作,包括闪烁、暗影或失明。视觉变化完全是单方面的。可能有神经元扩张性抑制或累及后睫状血管。必须排除TIA,因为颈动脉栓塞可引起类似症状。导致眼周疼痛和第三、第四、第六脑神经分布麻痹,可产生复视(复视)。头痛总是比动眼肌缺陷早几天出现。麻痹可以从短暂的发展到持续数天,对某些人来说,它变成了永久性的。患有眼麻痹性偏头痛的人通常在动眼肌受累之前有很长的偏头痛病史。 ====描述====反复发作的单眼视力障碍,包括闪烁、暗影或失明,与偏头痛有关。 一些自诉单眼视力障碍的患者实际上是偏视。 Some cases without headache have been reported, but their migrainous nature cannot be ascertained. Other causes of transient monocular blindness (amaurosis fugax), such as optic neuropathy or carotid dissection, must be excluded. ==== Diagnostic Criteria ==== #At least 2 attacks fulfilling criteria 2 and 3 #Fully reversible monocular positive and/or negative visual phenomena (eg, scintillations, scotomata, or blindness) confirmed by examination during an attack or (after proper instruction) by the patient's drawing of a monocular field defect during an attack #Headache fulfilling criteria 2-4 for Migraine without aura begins during the visual symptoms or follows them within 60 minutes #Normal ophthalmological examination between attacks #Not attributed to another disorder

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