


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:==物理治疗管理==一旦患者被诊断为SCFE,患者应抓住这条腿承重。治疗的首要目标是防止进一步滑移和避免并发症。Loder RT, Richards BS, Shapiro PS, Reznick LR, Aronson DD. '急性股骨头骨骺滑动:物理稳定性的重要性。[J]中华骨外科杂志,1993;16(4):344 - 344。[l] a Aronsson DD, Loder RT. '不稳定(急性)股骨头骨骺滑动的治疗。临床骨科杂志,1996;(3):99-110。(L.O.E 2B)
保守治疗可包括Spica铸造、轻松活动范围练习和[//m.houseofhawgs.com/Hydrotherapy-Balneotherapy水疗]练习。这种方法的固定时间比手术治疗要长得多。长时间的固定期与许多并发症相关,如肌肉萎缩和力量丧失,骨密度降低,不利于防止软骨溶解。然而,Pedro Carlos MS Pinheiro等人, 2011年的一项科学研究(L.O.E 2B)表明,无论采用何种治疗方法,软骨溶解的几率都是7%。一旦股骨头滑脱的风险降低,治疗师就可以在拐杖和锻炼计划的帮助下使用部分负重。进行力量练习以恢复所有腿部肌肉的力量,以及[[本体感觉]]和协调练习以恢复对[//m.houseofhawgs.com/Hip髋关节]的完全控制和稳定性。
当进行原位钉钉手术时,首要目标是减轻疼痛。 Modalities such as ice, ultrasound and electrical current may be used. Continuous passive motion of the [//m.houseofhawgs.com/Hip hip] to maintain range of motion is recommended after surgeryCapital Realignment for Moderate and Severe SCFE Using a Modified Dunn Procedure, Kai Ziebarth MD, (L.O.E 2B). The patient can also weight bear up to 20kg but should always be assisted by the therapist. [[Cryotherapy Guidelines|Cryotherapy]] can be used to relief the pain. After surgery an exercise program to improve range of motion of the [//m.houseofhawgs.com/Hip hip], augment muscle strength and coordination can be prescribed. Up to 3 weeks the patient has to limit himself to the 20kg of weight bearing. After this, if the patient is pain free, full range of motion is achieved and six weeks have passed, the patient can fully weight-bear.. If not,partial weight bearing must be advised.Loder RT, Richards BS, Shapiro PS, Reznick LR. Acute slipped capital femoral epiphysis: the importance of physeal stability. J bone joint surg 1993;75A:1134-1140. (L.O.E. 2A)Loder RT, Richards BS, Shapiro PS, Reznick LR. Acute slipped capital femoral epiphysis: the importance of physeal stability. J bone joint surg 1993;75A:1134-1140. (L.O.E. 2A)

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