


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:==有氧运动的效果== {{#ev:youtube|IbIfHDlBoHs}}Dr。詹姆斯Meschino。有氧运动的好处。可从:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IbIfHDlBoHs[最后访问日期:2020年5月5日]有氧运动主要表现出对健康相关成分的影响,尤其是心血管耐力和[[身体成分|身体成分]。[[神经肌肉适应运动|神经肌肉适应]]有氧运动后点击链接。[[运动生理学|生理效应]]有氧运动的解释如下:Cifu DX, Lew HL。布莱顿的康复护理:临床手册电子书。爱思唯尔健康科学;2017年6月8日。[https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/nursing-and-health-professions/aerobic-capacity(章节:急性医疗状况)] # " '[[脉搏率|心率]]'':静息心率随有氧训练而降低,在任何给定的工作量下都较低。最大HR不变。# ''心输出量:'''最大CO增加,而静息CO稳定。 Resting SV increases, with a corresponding decrease in the resting HR. # '''Aerobic capacity:''' Maximal aerobic capacity or maximal oxygen uptake ([[VO2 Max|VO2max]]) is a measure of the maximum amount of oxygen that an individual can use per unit of time during strenuous physical exertion at sea level.Seidenberg P, Beutler AI. The sports medicine resource manual. Elsevier; 2008 Jan 1. [https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/nursing-and-health-professions/aerobic-capacity (Chapter:Testing for Maximal Aerobic Power)]Maximum aerobic capacity increases with aerobic training. The resting Vo2 is stable, as is the Vo2 at a given workload. The changes are specific to the trained muscles. # '''Stroke volume:''' SV increases at rest and is maintained at a lower HR, resulting in a lower RPP for a given level of exertion. # '''Myocardial oxygen capacity:''' Maximum Mvo2 usually does not change, but at a given workload, Mvo2 decreases with training. This reduces episodes of angina. # '''Peripheral vascular resistance (PVR):''' Aerobic training reduces arterial and arteriolar tone, thereby decreasing cardiac “afterload” and PVR. The reduction in PVR results in a lower RPP and a lower Mvo2 at a given workload and at rest. These effects helps in following benefits to the body:Blumenthal JA, Emery CF, Madden DJ, George LK, Coleman RE, Riddle MW, McKee DC, Reasoner J, Williams RS. [https://academic.oup.com/geronj/article-abstract/44/5/M147/696765?redirectedFrom=fulltext Cardiovascular and behavioral effects of aerobic exercise training in healthy older men and women.] Journal of gerontology. 1989 Sep 1;44(5):M147-57.Niu Y, Zhou D, Ma Z. [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0765159718300042 Effect of aerobic exercises on students’ physical health indicators.] Science & Sports. 2018 Apr 1;33(2):e85-9. * Higher endurance during intense physical activity because of [[Blood Physiology|blood]] volume increase * [[Lung Volumes|Lung volume]] increase * Cardiac muscle strength * HDL level increase (the ratio of total cholesterol to HDL decrease reduces the risk of [[atherosclerosis]]) * Overcoming and enhancing mental and emotional well being * Increase [[bone]] density.

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