


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:==应用方法==[[文件:Cold pack .jpg|拇指| 1500x150px | "冷敷的应用"]]"冰袋:"这是最常见的冷冻治疗方法。冰袋里有不同种类的冰。最常见的是用冰块、碎冰和湿冰制成的冰袋。研究发现,湿冰能较好地降低处理过程中的表面温度,并在回收过程中保持较低的表面温度。在治疗过程中,它在降低肌内温度方面也更有效。[[文件:ColPac.jpg|拇指| 1500x150px |“ColPac”]]“商业冷敷:商业冷敷,如ColPac和Elasto-Gel,是一种高效且常用的冷冻治疗方法。这些冷敷袋通常充满石油馏分凝胶材料,比传统的冰袋更快地应用并达到更低的温度。蒸汽冷却剂喷雾:作为一种表面冷却剂,用于减少肌肉保护和释放肌筋膜触发点。Use WP, Prentice W.康复治疗模式,第六版,第六版,哥伦布,OH: McGraw-Hill教育;2021. " '浸泡:''简单的浸泡,如冰浴,可用于完全隐藏远端肢体(如脚,脚踝,手或手腕)。 Cold whirlpool is a form of immersion that transfers heat via convection [[File:Ice Massage.jpg|thumb|154x154px|''Application of ice massage'']] '''Ice Massage:''' Ice massage involves applying ice directly to the skin with slow strokes in circular motion for 5-10 mins. To achieve desired cooling effect, move the ice about 5-7cm/second. '''[[Whole-body cryotherapy|Whole Body Cryotherapy]]:''' More recently whole-body cryotherapy has become popular for athletes, to help aid recovery, as well as in persistent pain patients such as rheumatological conditions. More research is needed to understand the effect on the body and its relation to pain. {{#ev:youtube | gJOMV2mZ1B0}}George Eliot Hospital. Applying an Icepack - Physiotherapy Advice Video Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJOMV2mZ1B0 [last accessed 28/09/2020]

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