


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:跌倒的原因==[[文件:从楼梯上摔下来。png|拇指|从楼梯上摔下来]]所有跌倒的人都有受伤的危险,然而,个人的年龄、性别和健康状况会影响受伤的类型和严重程度。年龄是导致跌倒的关键风险因素。老年人因跌倒而死亡或受重伤的风险最高,而且这种风险随着年龄的增长而增加。这一风险水平的部分原因是与衰老相关的身体、感觉和认知变化Tsujishita S, Nagamatsu M, Sanada K.身体、认知和社会脆弱性的重叠影响日本社区老年人的Ikigai。InHealthcare 2022年11月4日(Vol. 10, No. 11, p. 2216)。MDPI。,以及不适合老年人的环境。参见[老龄和跌倒中的身体活动]]#性别。男女都有跌倒的危险。老年妇女和年幼的儿童更容易因跌倒而受重伤。 Globally, males consistently sustain higher death rates and DALYs lost, possibly due to males having higher levels of risk-taking behaviours and hazards within occupations. Other risk factors include: * Occupations at raised heights or other hazardous working conditions. *[[Alcoholism|Alcohol]] or [[Substance Use Disorder|substance use.]] * Socioeconomic factors eg. poverty, overcrowded housing, sole parenthood, young maternal age. * Underlying medical conditions, examples include neurological (see eg [[Falls and Traumatic Brain Injury|falls and traumatic brain injury]], [[Falls and Dementia|falls and dementia]], [[Orthostatic Hypotension|orthostatic hypotension]], [[Case Study: Parkinson's and Falls Due to Freezing Gait|parkinson's disease and freezing gait]]), cardiac vascular conditions (eg heart rhythm problem, persons recovering from stroke, with weakness on one side)Heart org Falls can be a serious, poorly understood threat to people with heart disease Available:https://www.heart.org/en/news/2022/05/19/falls-can-be-a-serious-poorly-understood-threat-to-people-with-heart-disease (accessed 3.11.2022) or other disabling conditions (eg see [[Falls in the Amputee Population|falls in amputees]]).Wu X, Guo J, Chen X, Han P, Huang L, Peng Y, Zhou X, Huang J, Wei C, Zheng Y, Zhang Z. Comparison of the relationship between cognitive function and future falls in Chinese community-dwelling older adults with and without diabetes mellitus. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association. 2022 Nov 3. * Medication side effects (see [[Medication and Falls]]) *[[Sedentary Behaviour|Sendentary lifestyle]]. * Poor mobility, [[Cognitive Impairments|cognition]], and vision, particularly in those in aged care facilities. * Unsafe environments, particularly for those with poor balance and limited vision (see [[Eyesight in the Elderly]] and [[Ageing and the Special Senses|Ageing on the Special Senses)]]. ''''''''''

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