


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:===结构===[[文件:胶原蛋白- Smart-Servier.jpeg|右|无框架|354x354px]]]韧带的基本组成部分是胶原纤维。这些纤维非常坚固、柔韧,并能抵抗拉力或压缩应力的破坏。胶原纤维通常排列成平行束,这有助于增加单个纤维的强度。胶原蛋白束附着在包裹所有骨骼的外层,即骨膜。韧带是什么?可从:https://study.com/academy/lesson/what-are-ligaments-definition-types-quiz.html(上次访问于2020年2月13日)骨骼韧带在大小、形状、方向和位置上各不相同。它们独特而复杂的骨骼附着物通常包括骨上不寻常的形状,这可能对韧带内的纤维如何在[[关节分类|]]运动时被招募至关重要。虽然韧带看起来是一个单一的结构,有关节运动,但一些纤维似乎会根据骨骼的位置和施加的力而收紧或放松,这证实了这些结构比原先想象的要复杂得多。[[文件:糖胺聚糖和蛋白聚糖]]韧带是由被基质包围的成纤维细胞组成的。这些细胞负责基质合成,它们的数量相对较少,只占韧带总体积的一小部分。虽然这些细胞在物理上和功能上可能是孤立的,但最近的研究表明,正常韧带细胞可能通过显著的细胞质延伸进行通信,这些细胞质延伸延伸很远,并与邻近细胞的细胞质延伸连接,从而形成一个复杂的三维结构。 Ligament microstructure can be visualized using polarized light that reveals collagen bundles aligned along the long axis of the ligament and displaying an underlying "waviness" or crimp along the length. Crimp is thought to play a biomechanical role relating to the ligaments loading state with increased loading resulting in some areas of the ligament uncrimping, allowing the ligament to elongate without sustaining damage. Biochemically, ligaments are approximately two-thirds water and one-third solid with the water contributing to cellular function and viscoelastic behaviour. The solid components of ligaments are principally type 1 [[collagen]] (image is of the triple helix, collagen) which accounts for approximately 75% of the dry weight with the balance being made up by [[proteoglycans]] (<1%), elastin and other [[proteins]] and glycoproteins. Ultrastructural studies have revealed that collagen fibres are actually composed of smaller fibrils. Crosslink formation of the collagen fibres is the critical step that gives collagen fibres such incredible strength. During growth and development, crosslinks are relatively immature and soluble but with age they mature and become insoluble and increase in strength. Epi-ligament: Ligaments often have a more vascular overlying layer termed the "epiligament" covering their surface and this layer is often indistinguishable from the actual ligament and merges into the periosteum of the bone around the attachment sites of the ligament. The epiligament is more vascular than the ligament and more cellular with more sensory and [[Proprioception|proprioceptive]] [[Nerve Injury Rehabilitation|nerves]]. These nerves travel in close proximity to the blood vessels with more nerves closer to the bony ligament insertions.

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