


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:==准备== ===姿势===你进行一次好的按摩的能力很大程度上取决于你自己的舒适度,因此保持一个好的姿势对你和你的客户都是有益的。以下只是基本的指导方针,可能因为你所处的环境,需要做出调整。工作时背部尽可能挺直。通过弯曲你的臀部和膝盖,你将能够更有效地移动,减轻背部的压力。*脚的位置也很重要,应该是这样的,你可以在前后方向移动,而不会对你的背部造成过度的压力。===手部位置=== *手最有用的部位是尺骨边缘和拇指底部。*其他重要的部位是手掌和手指和拇指的掌面。它们提供感官反馈,从而允许您根据组织的性质调整按摩的时间和压力。正是出于这个原因,应该避免使用肘部和指关节。*按摩时保持手臂和双手放松,双手与身体轮廓一致。 *Always pour the oil onto your own hands, never directly onto the client. *Try to warm the oil (and your hands) before applying to the naked skin. If this is not possible, at least warn the client of what is to come. === Physical Contact === *Try to always maintain contact with your client. This allows them to relax, especially if they are lying face down. Removal of the hands may also be interpreted as an indication that the session is over and so cause unwanted movement. *If for some reason you must break contact, for example at a sports meeting where situations are not ideal, then make sure you cover the client and do not leave them exposed.

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