


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:==流行病学/病因学== ====流行病学====在儿科患者中,创伤性脊髓损伤是相对罕见的,只有:#约2%至5%为脊柱损伤Cirak B, Ziegfeld S, Knight VM, Chang D, Avellino AM, Paidas CN。儿童脊柱损伤。小儿外科杂志,2004;39(4):607-12。 # >80%的损伤发生在颈椎,而成人中颈椎区域的比例仅为30%至40%左右Eubanks JD, Gilmore A, Bess S, Cooperman DR.。中华骨科杂志,2006;14(9):552-64。< / ref >。#胸椎和腰椎损伤占所有儿童脊柱创伤的6%至9% <参考>Garg H, Pahys J, Cahill PJ。胸腰椎损伤。《儿科骨科急诊》2012 (pp. 67-86)。斯普林格,纽约,纽约。 # Decreased cervical injuries incidence after age 14 with a resemblance adult patient patternHall DE, Boydston W. Pediatric neck injuries. Pediatr Rev. 1999;20(1):13–9.
With respect to the [[Spinal Cord Injury|mechanism of injury]]: # Motor vehicle accidents cause spinal cord injury in smaller children # Sports were responsible for adolescent spinal cord injuriesBrown R.L. Brunn M.A. Garcia V.F. Cervical spine injuries in children: a review of 103 patients treated consecutively at a level 1 pediatric trauma center. J. Pediatr. Surg. 2001;36:1107–1114.. ==== Etiology ==== # Motor Vehicle Accidents # Violence and Sports # Trauma resulting from lap belt injuries, child abuse, and birth injuries # Non-traumatic causes, such as instability of the upper cervical spine seen in [[Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21)|Down syndrome]], spinal [[Spinal Stenosis|stenosis]] seen in skeletal dysplasias, and inflammatory conditions, such as [[Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis|juvenile rheumatoid arthritis]] # Phenomenon of spinal cord injury without radiographic abnormality (SCIWORA).

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