


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:== " '力量与调节原理 " ''Cissik JM。力量训练和调节的基本原则。[j] .北京大学学报(自然科学版)。2002(1):1 - 4。[/ref>]陈志强,陈志强。运动机能学基础:现代综合方法。波士顿:圣智学习,2018年 == S&C指参与活动以提高表现和/或健康;要做到这一点,最好理解运动训练的七大原则:超负荷、可逆性、进步性、个体化、周期性和专一性。*“个性”-由于个体特征,如生物年龄、训练年龄、性别、体型、过往伤患等,每个人对相同的训练刺激会有独特的反应。因此,培训应根据个人的特点和需要进行调整。*“特异性”-对训练的生理适应是针对训练的[[肌肉]]群、[[治疗性运动|运动]]的强度、运动的代谢需求以及特定的动作和活动。 * '''Overload''' - Certain adaptations require training with greater stimulus than that which the body is accustomed to.This could be done by increasing the intensity, duration, or frequency of training. * '''Progression/Periodization''' - Overloading should occur at an optimal level and time frame to maximize performance. Overloading too quickly may lead to poor technique or [[Injury Prevention in Sport|injury]], while very slow overloading may result in little or no improvements. * '''Diminishing Returns/Adaptation''' - An individual’s level of training determines how much improvements in performance they achieve due to training. A novice will see huge and relatively quick gains in performance when they begin training, however, the gains get smaller and come more slowly as they get more experienced. * '''Reversibility''' - The effects of training will be lost if training stimulus is removed for an extended period of time.

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