


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:====运动====[[文件:水疗池运动。jpg|右|无框架]]一般来说,应该鼓励患有共济失调的人运动,作为[[临床指南:健康促进|健康促进]]的一部分(只要评估了风险因素和健康与安全考虑)。运动应该根据最吸引参与者的东西来量身定制,可能包括探索几种不同的选择,以及在运动处方中建立动力和可持续性。例如[[水疗]],一般健身训练。锻炼将会提高病人的协调性和平衡性,从而建立起恢复的意志力。做运动时要注意以下几点:*患者应保持推荐的体位。*姿势要舒适。*练习的次数一般根据每个病例的严重程度来决定,因为因人而异。*一般情况下,会话次数为一天两次。* 2 - 3组练习,每组之间间隔5-6分钟,以可控的方式进行。*进度可以是这样的,从每次2-3次练习开始,重复8-10次,当任务变得容易时,可以增加重复12-15次,或者可以在程序中添加一些更多的练习。 Following are the few exercises that can be added to one's treatment plan : # Lying bent knee rotation: this exercises focuses on segmental movement of lower limb and will help in bed movement and transfers.It can be done by lying face up with both the knees bent, hip width apart and feet flat,arms can be positioned out wide away from the body.Now slowly begin to let both the knees rotate from one side of the body to the other side.(trying keep upper body and back flat). # Kneeling press up: this can be start in upright kneeling position with knees under hip and with arms at the sides, slow movement from high kneeling position to hip straight body upright, to a low kneeling position hip movement down to rest on heels. # Quadruped weight shifting: start positioned with hand under kneeling and knees under hips and the spine is neutral. slowly reach an arm forward to shoulder height, then begin to extend the opposite-side leg backward to hip height. balance for a moment before lowering both the arm and leg to the ground. # Vestibular ball: vestibular ball can be used for balance exercises, the external support of therapist or the person helping to exercise, sitting upright on an exercise ball with feets apart,the legs are then locked by the therapist in order to avoid any fall as the patient is have balancing problems. smoothly begins to move the upper body to the right and then to the left,allow the weight of the trunk to shift from one side to another. # Standing heel to toe balance: standing upright position one foot in front of the other so heel of the front foot is touching the toes of the back foot, as if standing on the tightrope.

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